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I slammed a fist against the wall, feeling a few splinters pierce my skin. I welcomed the pain as a way to ground myself.

If it wasn’t for the fact that I’d overheard several APA members whispering about a potential bomb, I’d have grabbed Hazel and made a break for it the first time I’d seen her nearly a month ago.

It hadn’t taken much to get the story of the little omega from a few of the other guards.

Hazel’s parents had died and her uncle, a dickish beta named Henry, got custody of her. Her parents had apparently had quite a bit of money, so Henry had grabbed it all to give straight to the High Alpha.

Hazel was collateral damage, and probably would’ve just suffered the fate of other beta women in this cult. The High Alpha would give her to one of his beta followers as a ‘way to support the cause’ present. A guy like Jordan, who thought he was owed sex and submission from a woman because he had a dick.

Things took a turn for Hazel when, a couple months after she’d been here, she presented as an omega.

Designation switches were something of an urban legend. There were a few stories about it happening, but the odds of a beta turning into an omega was pretty damn impossible.

Until Hazel did just that.

The High Alpha didn’t hesitate to announce that she was his intended fifth wife. He locked her away in that isolated little shack, away from almost everyone except his council, his wives, and the few beta guards he trusted, which, as of two weeks ago, included me.

Maybe it made me a shitty agent, or hell, a shitty human, but I stopped giving a damn about the threat of a bomb or illegal gun sales the moment I’d seen Hazel. It was all about her.

Jordan exited the bathroom a second later, zipping up his pants as he grinned at me. “Guess we should get back to our post, yeah?”

I nodded as I straightened. “Probably.”

Jordan smirked, giving me a hard once over. “Nothing seems to phase you, Morris. You into dick over pussy?”

I forced my face to remain blank. “I don’t have a preference one way or another.” It was the truth.

I loved women. I also loved men.

Well, one man, anyway. One man who was getting more and more annoyed that I’d been away from his side for four months. But Rhett and I had both known what we were signing up for when we packed up after our team was established with the FBI.

Working with the guy who owned your heart might’ve seemed like asking for trouble, but my pack made it work. I couldn’t imagine trusting anyone else but those three alphas to have my back.

“Might be time to get you laid,” Jordan continued, always thinking with his cock. “There’s some beta bitches that would?—”

“I’m good,” I cut him off, striding across the room and yanking open the wooden door with more force than necessary. The bitter March wind slapped my face, still brutally cold for this time of the year in the mountains of Montana.

“Just sayin’,” Jordan drawled, following me outside, “you might be a little more fun if you got your rocks off.”

“I’m fine,” I snapped, glaring at Jordan. I wasn’t an alpha by designation, but I was fucking huge thanks to genetics and a daily workout routine. I had a few inches and easily twenty pounds of muscle on Jordan.

The last thing this asshat wanted to do was piss me off even more.

Grinning, Jordan held up his hands innocently. “Chill, man. Just a suggestion.”

He could take his suggestions and shove them. I was here because it was my job.

But as we headed for our post at the main gate, I couldn’t help but feel the lie sour in my stomach as I shot a furtive glance down the path that led to Hazel’s cabin.

The lines were blurring between my duty to my country, and the pull of my instincts.

And I had a feeling that pretty soon that line would be obliterated altogether.



It took two more days for my heat to fully break. On the sixth day of my isolation, two of the High Alpha’s wives came in and unchained my weak body. They helped me up and wordlessly helped me out of the room, a third wife sweeping inside to begin cleaning the room while they helped me to the bathroom.
