Page 128 of Pack Dutton: Part One

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Kellan’s hand squeezed my calf. “One of these days, I want to hear all about little Hazel Jones.”

“Pretty sure Mom digitized all the old home videos,” Crew mused, rubbing his jaw. “I’ll have her send copies. Hazel’s in most of them. She and Calla were inseparable.”

“I definitely need to see those,” Kellan said.

“I want to see them, too,” I requested, looking at Crew.

He ran a finger along my nose, then traced my lips. “Whatever you want, it’s yours.”

“What if I said I wanted to stay here forever?” I barely managed to get the question out, and it was so quiet, I wasn’t sure they’d even heard me.

But Kellan started to laugh. “Sugar, you’re saying that like you have a choice. We’re not letting you go.”

A shiver rippled across my skin, because that sounded perfect.

Crew swore. “Maybe we don’t threaten to lock her ass down when we just saved her from an asshole who wanted to do just that?”

“Hazel knows we’re not like those assholes,” Kellan argued. “Right, sugar?”

I frowned. “Of course I know that. I can’t explain it.”

“Try,” Crew urged as Rhett and Jude returned with an arsenal of snacks and drinks. They dropped everything on the glass coffee table in front of us, but Rhett handed me a chocolate bar.

“We don’t have a lot of sweets in the house,” he admitted reluctantly. “But we’ll make sure we grab whatever you need when we hit the store. Or if you want something now, we can have it delivered.”

“This is good,” I assured him, tearing open the wrapper and breaking off a piece of the creamy milk chocolate.

Rhett sat on Crew’s other side and pulled Jude in close. I loved watching them together. The effortless way they complemented one another. They were always exchanging looks and touches that spoke of an intimacy level that was more than just physical.

I wanted that.

I trapped a whine in my throat, swallowing it back. I wanted each of these men to look at me the way Rhett and Jude looked at each other.

“Hey.” Crew tapped my jaw, drawing my attention back to him and reminding me that he’d asked me to try and explain my feelings.

Why was talking about feelings and emotions more brutal than taking a physical beating? Physical pain didn’t hold a candle to the agony of having your soul flayed open and exposed for others to see and pick apart.

But I owed it to these guys to try. Hell, I owed it to myself to try.

“I know you’re not like Donovan and his friends,” I started in a soft voice, trying to pick my words with care. “When you said you wanted to keep me?—”

Rhett hissed. “Fucking idiot.”

A smile teased the corners of my mouth. “—it didn’t scare me in the way you think. It scares me because that’s what I want, too.”

Four sets of eyes stared at me with varying degrees of hope, disbelief, and want.

I pushed myself up a little, but Crew and Kellan held onto me like I might slip away right through their fingers.

“It scared me because this is so fast. It’s so sudden,” I went on, drawing in a deep breath as I forced out the words. “I’m worried one, or all, of you might change your mind?—”

“Never gonna happen,” Crew stated. “I know alpha and omega relationships are new to you, but what we’re feeling isn’t uncommon.”

“One of the things we’re taught as alphas is to trust our instincts, especially when it comes to omegas,” Kellan added.

Rhett nodded, leaning forward to brace his forearms on his knees. He’d rolled up the sleeves of his white dress shirt, and I couldn’t stop staring at the way his muscles and veins rolled and contracted.

