Page 135 of Pack Dutton: Part One

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He eyed me calmly. “Clearly not, since you and Jude have been talking this entire time we’ve been attempting to have dinner. You need to eat.”

Rhett stood smoothly from his side of the table, looking pointedly from me to Jude. “Both of you. Jude needs food to take his medicine.” Rhett came around the table and took my empty seat.

“I’d say this isn’t fair, but it’s hot as fuck to watch,” Kellan admitted, his pupils blown wide and nostrils flaring as he smelled the air.

Jude physically trembled as Rhett slid a hand to the back of his neck, leaning in but not masking his whisper. “Be thankful I don’t put you over my lap and force feed you myself. Now, eat, or we’re going to have a problem, Jude.”

Crew notched another bite of food. “Hazel.” His voice cracked through the room, and I turned toward him, my lips parting without any further prompting.

The last time I’d been fed sitting on someone’s lap, I was still in diapers. But nothing seemed infantile or childish in the way Crew treated me. He acted like I was the most important person in the room.

One hand was steady on my hip, his long, thick fingers flexing as if to prove his power. He used the other hand to feed me, even grabbing a piece of garlic bread when I’d polished off what was left of the lasagna. When I got to the last bite, I intentionally nipped the tip of his finger.

The rattling growl that vibrated from him sent a wash of slick straight into my panties. My perfume hovered in the air like a thick cloud.

“Finished, little one?” Crew’s tone was still maddeningly even. He grabbed a napkin and actually dabbed around my mouth.

I nodded. “Yup.” I’d been so focused on Crew, I hadn’t noticed Jude was also done eating, both of our plates clean.

“Good.” Crew nudged me off his lap. “Then I think it’s time you brushed your teeth and went to bed.”

My mouth fell open because excuse me, what? “Uh…”

Crew stood, towering over me. “If you want to act like a child, then I’m happy to treat you like one. You’ve just finished your heat and had a long day. I think you could use the time to rest.” He lifted his voice without breaking eye contact. “Anyone disagree?”

I raised my hand, and so did Jude. Then Rhett leaned in close, whispering something that had Jude’s hand slowly lowering and his cheeks turning red.

“Sorry, babe,” Jude told me, looking guilty and horny at the same time. “Daddy Crew has spoken.”

My nose wrinkled as my lips twisted into a grimace. “Sorry, the daddy kink isn’t one of my things.”

I watched Jude’s face for any indication I’d offended him. I had no intention to kink shame anyone, because as long as people were consenting adults, then they should do what they wanted. But I’d grown up as a daddy’s girl, and attaching the label in a sexual way made my lady parts shrivel up faster than a freeze-dried raisin.

“Agreed,” Crew muttered, shaking his head.

“To be honest, it sounded wrong when I said it,” Jude admitted. “Sorry if I killed the mood.”

“No,” I countered, swinging around to glare at Crew. “What’s killing the mood is a certain alpha sending me to bed with my panties soaked.”

Behind me, Kellan choked on something, but I kept my eyes fixed on Crew.

“Fucking brat,” Crew grumbled, but it was easy to see he was fighting a grin as he crowded me against the table until my butt was poised on the edge. “As much as I’d love to fill your pretty little pussy up all night long, I’m your alpha first, and that means your care is my biggest concern. And you need to rest.” His gaze softened as his hand curved around my cheek. “You’re exhausted, sweetheart, and so is Jude.”

My gaze flitted over to where Jude was stifling a yawn. He did look worn out. I mean, he’d been shot and then thrown dick-first into my heat. He needed to sleep so he could heal. Truth be told, I was exhausted, but I was also dreading the night.

There was something about the darkness that just made scary things scarier. That let dangerous thoughts skitter around in my brain until I was a tangled mess of anxiety.

In the hospital, I’d had drugs to help me sleep. Once I’d come here, I’d been in heat, which meant grabbing sleep until the next round of cramps caught up and I was begging for another knot.

The best sleep I’d gotten since my parents died had been between Crew and Kellan last night. Well, until I’d woken up this morning and freaked out.

As much as I really enjoyed my nest, I wasn’t looking forward to sleeping in it alone. But what kind of wimp couldn’t handle a night alone? I was safe here. The house was practically a fortress.

“We can hear you thinking, love.” Rhett’s smooth tone cut into my thoughts. “Tell us what you need.”

And admit I was like a little kid who needed a nightlight and a stuffed animal to ward off the nightmares? Yeah, right.

I blinked and tried to pull away from Crew, but there was nowhere to go unless I wanted to lay down on the dining room table and roll across the Caesar salad to get away.
