Page 137 of Pack Dutton: Part One

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“What the fuck now?” Jude demanded.

“Shit.” Rhett’s quiet curse was my first sign something was wrong.

I managed to turn my head and look at him. “What?”

Rhett was staring at his phone. “It’s Omega Services.”

“What the hell could they possibly want?” Jude snapped.

Crew rubbed the back of his neck. “Fucking Martin.”

“Who’s Martin?” I asked.

“Our boss,” Rhett replied, his tone strangled. He tipped his head back, the muscles of his throat contracting. “He must’ve alerted them your heat was done.”

“We knew OS would come back after your heat,” Crew explained. “They probably want to check that we didn’t bite you.”

“Why would your boss care that my heat was over?” An icky sensation crawled over my skin.

“Because he’s a self-righteous prick who’s pissed we didn’t follow orders,” Crew replied. “He’s trying to make our lives difficult.”

“Mission fucking succeeded,” Jude deadpanned, fire in his eyes.

I glanced around, my eyes landing on the grandfather clock against the far wall. “It’s almost six at night. Does OS usually make dinner calls?”

“No,” Crew growled, slamming a fist into his open palm. “But you’re special, Hazel. The usual rules don’t apply because technically you don’t have a pack or a guardian to make decisions for you.”

I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, God forbid I do it myself.”

“As far as Omega Services is concerned, they are your god,” Rhett said flatly. He looked at Crew. “What do we do?”

“We have to let them in,” Crew replied. His scent sharpened with frustration and concern. “Kellan, you have to let Hazel down so they can see her.”

Kellan snarled a little. “No.” His arms were banded around me like steel. If he didn’t voluntarily release me, I wasn’t getting down.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Crew hissed, his eyes squeezing shut.

“What?” I demanded, my panic level rising as Rhett and Crew’s scents became more potent, more agitated. But they had nothing on the heavy waves of pheromones Kellan was pumping out. Between his purr and his scent, I almost felt a little drunk on his sheer presence.

“Kellan’s close to feral,” Jude told me. “He won’t put you down. And if anyone tries to get close to you that isn’t pack, he’ll likely tip over into fully feral.”

“Okay.” I wasn’t seeing the problem. “Then OS will have to come back tomorrow to talk to me.”

“No, baby, they can’t,” Jude said, shaking his head. He licked his lips, his breaths coming in sharper pants now as worry set in. “If we refuse them access, it’ll send off alarms. They’ll call in reinforcements and take you out of here.”

Crew looked at me. “And if they walk in and see Kellan practically feral, they’ll deem him a threat to your immediate safety. They’d try to take you away.”

A soft whine hitched my breathing as terror pounded in my chest. Kellan’s purr increased even more, his snarl becoming more fierce as he spun me away from the group.

“No one is taking our omega, brother,” Crew spoke to Kellan, but his eyes were locked on mine the whole time. It was a vow he was making to us both.

Rhett’s phone chimed again. “We need to do something or they’ll call in for reinforcements.”

“Can we let them in and stall? Give Hazel time to calm Kellan down?” Jude asked.

Crew and Rhett looked at me.

I slowly nodded. “Yeah. Let me try to calm Kellan down while you guys go meet them.” I had to do this for Kellan. For all of us.
