Page 139 of Pack Dutton: Part One

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“Oh, God,” she moaned, breaking the kiss with a ragged pant. “Kellan, we can’t. Slow down.”

“Mine,” I growled, squeezing her pussy and grinding the heel of my palm against her clit.

“Yeah, baby,” she whispered, choking on the words as she rolled her hips, “I’m yours.”

I sucked deeply on her neck, reveling in the knowledge that it would bruise.


The quiet, primal part of my brain was demanding more. It wanted to own Hazel forever. To protect her, adore her, worship her. This omega was more than I’d ever thought I’d deserve.

“Kellan, please stop,” she begged, even as her small fists clutched my shoulders.

I frowned, her words breaking through part of the fog. “You want this.” I looked down, staring hard at where her pussy was literally in the palm of my hand. There was no denying the heady scent of her arousal. It was like a chocolate bomb had detonated.

“I do,” she agreed, “but we can’t right now. Let me go handle OS and then we’ll go to the nest.”

My muscles locked up. “No.”

“Yes,” she countered with a sweet smile. “I need you to let me do this.”

I pressed my forehead to hers. “Stay.”

“I plan on staying for a very long time,” she murmured, “which is why I have to go handle these asshats. Let me show them that none of you bit me, and then we’ll lock ourselves in the nest.”


She tilted her head with a quizzical expression.

“Haven’t bitten you yet,” I clarified.

A bright grin bloomed on her face, her cheeks turning the perfect shade of pink. “Yet,” she agreed.

I let her slide down my body, and the second she put an inch of space between us, I almost lost my shit again. Every impulse was screaming for me to carry her upstairs. To finish what my fingers had started.

“You back with me, Kell?” she asked, reaching for my face.

The haze shattered around me, leaving me reeling. I looked at Hazel through clear eyes and almost recoiled at the purpling bruise on her neck.

Fucking hell.

I’d done that. Marked her up like a dog with a chew toy.

Emotions pummeled me like the reigning champ of a wrestling match. Humiliation, embarrassment, and anger at myself. Shit, I’d growled at Crew, and meant it. I’d been ready to tear apart my oldest friend because my head had been so messed up.

It had been years since I’d lost myself to an alpha fog. Not since…

I shook my head to physically dispel the thought. The purr in my chest went dead silent, the absence of it so abrupt that Hazel flinched and rubbed her chest.

I was fucking all of this up.

“Kellan?” Hazel’s gold eyes were questioning as she took a step in my direction.

I scrambled away from her, holding up a hand between us. “You need to go see OS before they come in here, and I do something that ruins all of this.”

Her brows knit together. “Kellan, you wouldn’t?—”

“Go, Hazel,” I ordered, my tone a rough growl. I couldn’t meet her gaze. Couldn’t bear it if she was looking at me with disgust or, worse yet, fear.
