Page 140 of Pack Dutton: Part One

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“Kell.” Her voice cracked, and I spun on my heel.

If she wouldn’t leave me, then I’d leave her. Before I destroyed the best thing in my life.



My heart was still aching as I finished cleaning up in the powder room. It wasn’t a shower, but it beat walking out to speak with representatives from Omega Services with slick-soaked panties.

I opened the door and almost screamed when I spotted Jude on the other side.

He looked around me, trying to peer into the bathroom. “Kellan?”

“He went upstairs,” I replied. The sound of his stomping up the stairs reverberated in my head like the clang of a gong.

“Are you okay?” Jude asked.

I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from shouting. “Of course I am. Kellan wouldn’t hurt me.”

Jude held up his hands and backed away. “I wasn’t suggesting he would, babe. I’m referring to the fact that you were pretty upset before Kellan went all alpha-mode and OS showed up.”

I stopped walking in the middle of the hallway to lean against the wall. “I’m sorry, Jude. I’m being a bitch.”

“Whoa,” he chuckled, moving in close. “First? Never let Rhett hear you call yourself that, okay? He’ll lose his shit and your ass will be ten shades of red in less than five minutes. Having emotions doesn’t make you a bitch.”

A smile tugged at my lips. “Sounds kinky.”

He waggled his brows. “Oh, trust me—our alpha has a kinky streak a mile long and all the toys to prove it. It’s why our dynamic works so well. Rhett is able to pull me out of a funk or a dark place by giving me something to refocus on.”

“I can’t imagine you in a dark place,” I admitted. Even at APA, Jude had been the bright spot. He had an easy smile that he rarely denied anyone.

Taking my hand in his, he started walking us to the front door. “You’ve seen a snapshot into the pack over the last two days, pretty girl. But we aren’t perfect. Crew takes the weight of the world on his shoulders. Rhett can be rigid and controlling. Kellan, well, Kell sometimes lets his alpha side get the better of him. And I often get too caught up in shit that doesn’t matter because I feel the intense need to fix what I can since I’m only a beta.”

“Only a beta sounds pretty great to me,” I murmured, nudging his shoulder with mine.

He groaned loudly, slapping a dramatic hand over his chest. “Yeah, but if you were a beta, you wouldn’t have all these people trying to control your magic pussy.”

I snickered. “Magic pussy, huh?”

“Trust me,” he said, totally serious, “it’s fucking divine. I’d set up a religion just for your cunt.”

“Aw.” I paused and pinched his cheeks. “You say the sweetest things, Jude… Holy shit. I just realized I don’t even know what your last name is.”

“Legally it’s Dutton,” he replied with a deep laugh. “But before I was packed in, it was Morris.”

“The name you went by at the compound,” I murmured.

He nodded. “Yeah. It’s my UC name. Undercover name, I mean.”

I slid a hand up his arm and over his shoulder. “Thanks again for saving me.”

“Babe, it was never a choice. The second I knew what that sick bastard had planned, I knew I’d waited too long to act.” He hung his head in regret.

“No, I mean for before that. When I was being held prisoner, you were the only person who was kind. I know now it’s because you weren’t part of them, but you gave me hope when I’d forgotten what hope was.” I pushed a smile onto my lips. “So, thank you.”

He leaned forward, pressing a wistful kiss to my mouth. “We should get outside before Crew rips their heads off and Rhett has to call his parents to bail him out.”

“Do you need to be out there?” I asked suddenly.
