Page 150 of Pack Dutton: Part One

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“S-s-sorry,” I managed to choke out as sobs ripped from my chest.

“None of that, love,” Rhett purred, crowding against my back and pressing my chest down to Kellan’s front.

Kellan started purring next, the combined sounds and sensations of two alphas trying to soothe me working like some sort of voodoo magic.

“You’re safe here,” Rhett reassured me, his weight a calming presence on my back. He kissed across my shoulders as Kellan’s fingers sifted through my hair.

I released a shaking breath as I let their comfort consume me. Humiliation scorched me from the inside out until Rhett’s teeth sank into the back of my neck, not breaking skin but sending a wave of awareness crashing against my embarrassment.

“None of that,” Rhett told me, kissing and licking the spot he’d bitten. “When you’re settled, we’ll discuss it, but you don’t need to share more than you’re willing, dove. I apologize for getting carried away, and for any part I played in your discomfort.”

I wanted to scream that it wasn’t fair for him to be shouldering the blame for my freak out. If anyone was to blame, it was fucking Donovan and his sadistic ways. His words were soldered into my memories forever.

“Can you rest like this, Hazel?” Kellan asked gently. “It’ll probably be another half hour for my knot to go down.”

I nodded against his chest. Now that I was back in the moment, I wanted to stay here, with both of my alphas purring and caressing me, as the world melted away.



At some point I drifted off, and when I woke up, I was still on top of Kellan, his fingers tracing lazy patterns into my back. His knot had deflated, but his half-hard cock was still inside my pussy.

“Where’s Rhett?” I asked, my cheek pressed over his heart. The rhythmic thump was grounding.

Kellan’s fingers stilled for a beat before continuing. “He went downstairs, but I can call him back.”

I smiled. “You brought your cell phone to bed?”

He chuckled. “Pack bond, remember?”

Surprised, I pushed myself up on my forearms to look down at him. “How does that work exactly? It is like telepathy?”

The corner of his mouth twisted. “Not quite. More like… an impulse. I can usually tap into how the guys are feeling. It’s more like getting an impression.”

“That sounds cool.”

“It can be.” His nose wrinkled, giving him a boyish sort of charm. “It can also be frustrating as hell when one of us is in a shitty mood and you can’t hide it.”

I glanced away. “Sorry about earlier. I didn’t?—”

Kellan caught my chin in his thumb and forefinger and turned me to look at him. “Hazel, you don’t need to explain a damn thing to me. Hell, especially not to me. Trust me—I know what it’s like to be triggered.”

“Do you want to talk about it?” I offered.

His dark eyes turned to liquid chocolate. “Sweet omega. You’ve got a big heart, sugar.” He cupped the side of my face, and I rubbed my nose against the inside of his wrist.

Blowing out a breath, Kellan blinked a few times. “I grew up in Louisiana. I’d always known I’d form a pack with my brothers. There was this girl who lived a few houses away, Kerry.” A grim sort of smile pulled at his mouth. “She presented as an omega a few days after her sixteenth birthday and went away to an omega academy for training within days.”

I stayed quiet, letting him tell the story at his own pace.

“We all kept in contact with her. My older brothers, Danny and Justin, went to visit her a few times. I wasn’t eighteen yet, so I couldn’t formally be packed with them, but we all talked about it happening once I could. Then, a few weeks before my eighteenth birthday, Danny and Justin came home and announced they were engaged to Kerry.”

My head tilted. “Only your brothers?”

“Danny and Justin are twins, have this whole twin bond thing going. Apparently Kerry felt they were pack enough for her.” He swallowed hard. “I thought my brothers were lying, so I went to visit Kerry and… I fucked up.”

“Kell,” I whispered, touching his cheek and stroking his beard.
