Page 155 of Pack Dutton: Part One

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“Your story has been kept fairly quiet, but it will eventually make national news. An omega held prisoner by a cult for years? The press will eat it up.” Rhett took a deep breath. “My parents would like us to attend an upcoming fundraiser. And they’d also like you to give an exclusive interview to a news outlet of their choosing.”

“Fuck no,” Crew snarled.

Rhett held up a hand, his dove gray eyes still on me. “I told them it would be Hazel’s decision.”

“Why do they want me to do this?” I asked, needing all the facts.

“My father’s up for reelection in November. They’re angling it to be a human rights piece that presents my parents’ pack as family-oriented. If you’re my omega, you’re family.” He sighed heavily. “I’ve grown up knowing I was only as loved as I was useful. I try not to ask my parents for much, but this is—you are—worth it.”

“You don’t have to do this,” Crew reminded me. “My parents aren’t in the political spectrum, but they have some pull. We can?—”

“No,” I cut in. “It’s… I’ll do it. Whatever it takes for Omega Services to sign off on you guys as my pack. Besides, if I can shed light on the awful way the APA treated Logan and me, and some of the betas, it’ll be worth it.”

“You’re sure?” Kellan pressed.

“No,” I admitted. “But I’m sure about this pack, so I’m going to trust my instincts.”

“Brave girl,” Crew murmured, his eyes glittering with pride.

Jude’s phone vibrated, and he pulled it from his pocket. “Oak and Silas are here. I’m going to let them in.” He flashed me a grin as he jogged from the room.

“When will Calla be here?” I asked Crew.

“Soon,” he answered, tugging me from Rhett’s arms and kissing me slowly. “Are you good to talk to Oakley and Silas?”

If my guys were comfortable inviting these two into their home, then I felt pretty good about meeting them. Still, a tiny tendril of uncertainty slithered through my belly. “You’ll all be with me, right?”

“Absolutely.” Kellan’s tone was firm and certain, easing the last of my concerns.

“Let’s head into the living room,” Rhett suggested. “We’ll clean up breakfast later.”

Kellan tucked my hand inside his as we went in search of the new voices, finding them in the living room with Jude. They stood near the large picture window overlooking the side of the house that was mostly obscured by thick trees and foliage.

I tamped down the urge to hide behind Kellan’s bulk as Oakley and Silas turned to look at me. The larger of the two stepped forward with a gentle smile.

“Hazel, right? I’m Oakley Stone.” He wore a blue and black flannel shirt unbuttoned over a black shirt, the cuffs of the flannel rolled up to showcase dark tattoos over his deeply tanned skin. Tucking his hands into his jeans, he hunched his shoulders, probably trying to make himself smaller in my presence so he was less intimidating, but the man was the size of a grizzly bear. With his dark brown hair and almost black eyes, he exuded alpha energy.

“And I’m Silas Stone,” the other man spoke up, coming to stand next to his packmate. With dark skin and hair, his pale green eyes seemed almost startling by contrast. His smile was easy, and he wasn’t as big as Oakley. An air of alpha authority hovered around him like mist, but his smile put me at ease.

“Hello,” I finally greeted, grateful that Kellan kept me close.

Oakley’s gaze was penetrating in its intensity. “You definitely look better than the last time I saw you.”

I blinked in surprise. I knew his pack had been there, but I didn’t remember seeing Oakley when I’d been rescued.

“I was inside when Kellan was carrying you to the helicopter,” he explained.

I turned to Silas. “You were there, though.”

He inclined his head. “I was, but your alpha wouldn’t let me get too close.”

Kellan scoffed, but didn’t say anything.

“Why don’t we all sit down,” Crew suggested, waiting to speak until we’d all taken our seats. I wound up on Kellan’s lap with Crew on one side while Rhett and Jude sat on the other. It was a tight fit on the couch meant for three normal-sized people, and my alphas were not ‘normal’ in any size.

Oakley and Silas took the chairs across from us.

“Did you find anything about what Dr. Berthand mentioned?” I blurted out, unable to keep quiet.
