Page 159 of Pack Dutton: Part One

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Calla lifted her tearstained eyes. “You’re not, and I’m sorry. You just looked so much?—”

“And that makes it okay to just take a swing?” Oakley deadpanned before looking at me. “I get that she’s your sister, Crew, but this is bullshit.”

“Who did you think I was?” Silas asked, sounding genuinely curious.

Calla sniffled. “Someone I used to know. His name was Mal. Well, Malcolm.”

That sent my big brother radar into high alert because Malcolm was part of the pack that’d been courting Calla for months until she abruptly terminated the courtship. She’d said the pack wasn't the right fit, but I’d been so caught up in getting my life set up with the bureau I’d never really pushed her about why.

Had I missed something?

Silas stiffened. “Malcolm Cole?”

Calla staggered back a step. “You know him?”

My head swung to Silas, who nodded. “He’s my brother. Well, half-brother. We have the same father. Different mothers.”

Calla’s knuckles turned white, and Hazel winced at the death grip Calla had on her fingers.

“What did he do?” I demanded, feeling my pack’s presence gathering like storm clouds behind me. If someone had hurt my sister, they’d be meting out justice right there alongside me, my brothers, and my fathers.

Calla paled and shook her head once more.

“I don’t speak to my brother or my father,” Silas said stiffly. He shot me a dark look. “My father cheated on his omega—Malcolm’s mother—with mine. When he found out my mother was pregnant, my father gave her money to, and I quote, ‘handle the issue.’”

Whoa. I didn’t know much about Oakley’s pack, but the fact that they were connected to Calla’s old pack was out of left field.

Silas looked down. “My father has strong genetics. Malcolm and I both look like him.”

“Except your eyes,” Calla whispered.

Silas glanced back up. “Yes. My mother has green eyes, too.”

“And my mom had brown eyes,” Oak snapped, “but she didn’t go around hitting people that looked like me.”

“Don’t be a dick,” I hissed, ready to throttle him.

“I’m sorry about that,” Calla apologized. “I shouldn’t have?—”

Silas held up a hand. “Don’t worry about it. I’m aware of the type of man my brother is, and I’m certain he had that slap coming.”

“What did he do?” I ground out.

Calla flinched. “Crew, I can’t… I’m sorry.”

“Why don’t we go have some hot chocolate?” Hazel suggested, wrapping an arm around Calla’s shoulders. “We’ll let you all finish up talking.”

“Yes, please,” Calla murmured, lowering her lashes. She didn’t look up or meet my gaze as Hazel led her deeper into the house.

The six of us stood in the open entryway for several beats, no one saying anything as we tried to internally sort through what had just happened.

All I knew was, I needed to have a long overdue chat with my baby sister.

A dull ache settled in the base of my skull. Twisting my neck, I tried to alleviate the tension, but it was no use. I had a feeling that until I had Hazel’s situation sorted out, this headache and gut-clenching sense of worry would be a permanent nuisance.

Silas finally spoke. “What did OS say?”

“Hillary is coming here this afternoon to get Hazel’s signature on all the appropriate paperwork,” Jude replied in a subdued tone. “Rhett’s parents are working OS from their side, trying to push our claim through.”
