Page 158 of Pack Dutton: Part One

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“I wouldn’t call Hillary a guest.” I wrinkled my nose. “More like a necessary evil?”

Jude cackled, his laugh cracking away the last of the tension in the space. I turned my face to kiss Kellan, and, just as his lips brushed mine, I heard Calla yell from the front of the house.

Crew was on his feet in a second, and we all scrambled to follow him into the hallway. We made it just in time to see Calla slap Silas right across the face.



It took a second for my brain to process the fact that my little sister—a girl who cried when a fly had gotten trapped inside the car, and lost her shit until Pops pulled over and helped her shoo it out on the side of a highway—had just slapped Silas Stone.

“What the fuck?” I demanded, racing down the hallway to get to Calla.

Silas looked shocked as fuck and didn’t hesitate to put as much distance between himself and Calla as possible. “I have no idea, man.”

“Fucking princess,” Oak scoffed, glaring at her before turning to Silas. “You okay?”

Silas nodded, his gaze locked on Calla, who was starting to freak out.

“Oh, God. Oh, God. I hit you.” She turned her wild eyes to me. “I’ve never hit anyone, Crew. I didn’t… I’m sorry.”

I muscled my way to stand in front of her. “Cal, why did you slap Silas?”

“And can we see it again?” Jude piped up, always the fucking instigator. Kellan snickered.

I heard the unmistakable sound of our omega swatting his chest and hissing, “Not now, Jude.”

“Sorry, babe,” he murmured back.

“I didn’t… Shit, shit, shit.” Calla was close to hysterical, her honeyed omega scent turning rancid with fear.

I spun and glared at Silas. “The fuck did you do?”

His eyes were wide. “Nothing, I swear. Oak opened the door, and I came up behind him to say hi. And she fucking hit me.”

“You look so much like him,” Calla whispered, her shaking hands fisting in the back of my shirt.

“Like who, honey?” Hazel threaded her way through the bodies to come stand at my side, pulling Calla into her arms.

“It doesn’t matter,” Calla mumbled, throwing her arms around Hazel.

Oak scoffed. “You just hit my packmate. I think a reason is pretty fucking needed, princess.”

I snarled softly, fixing Oak with a hard look. “Chill out.”

Oak looked at me like I’d lost my mind. “She just assaulted a federal officer, Crew. We’d have every right to arrest her ass.”

“Not on my property,” I snapped, a growl building in my chest as I squared my shoulders. Oakley had an inch on me in height, and at least ten pounds of muscle, but I knew for a fact I moved faster. We’d be pretty damn even in a fight.

“Gentlemen, perhaps we can all remember there are two omegas here, and neither of them should be upset.” Rhett’s tone was cool and unflappable as he shoved his hands in the pockets of his trousers. Even on a day at home, the guy still wore slacks and a button down. At least he’d left the tie and jacket upstairs.

“No one wants to upset Hazel,” Oakley retorted, “but the princess owes Silas an explanation.”

“Let it go, bro,” Silas hissed. He looked at Calla. “We’re good? You know I’m not whoever you thought I was?”

I settled a hand on my sister’s shoulder in support. If she wanted me to toss Silas and Oakley out on their asses, I would.

