Page 164 of Pack Dutton: Part One

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“Only a few bits and pieces,” Jude admitted. “I wasn’t eavesdropping. I was coming to tell you Bowen was here so you wouldn’t be surprised when he was in the house.”

“Okay.” I nibbled my lower lip.

“Babe, what’s wrong?” Worry creased his brow. “All I really heard was Calla mention Mal’s name, but you two were talking pretty quietly, and now you look like someone ran over your puppy.”

I opened my mouth, then snapped it shut. Did I want to tell him what Calla had said? Absolutely. But I couldn’t betray Calla’s trust. Giving him a helpless look, I shrugged.

“Can I do anything?” Jude asked carefully, taking a step toward me.

I considered his offer for a second before reaching my arms up wordlessly. He crossed the room in swift strides to bend and hug me hard. I nuzzled into his soft scent, wanting to cry but also knowing now wasn’t the time.

How the hell was I going to keep this secret from Crew? From any of my pack? It was ripping me apart from the inside, and I knew they’d notice. Jude didn’t even have their alpha ability to scent out that I was upset, and he knew something was off.

Jude’s warm arms closed around me. “We’ll figure it out, babe. I promise.”

I nodded against his shoulder.

“Want to come meet Bowen?”

“Sure,” I sighed, letting Jude pull me up.

We met Bowen at the front door, and I wasn’t sure what I was expecting from the beta of Oakley’s pack, but the sweet guy with a shock of dark red hair and bright blue eyes behind black-rimmed glasses wasn’t it.

“Hazel Jones, meet Bowen Stone.” Jude placed a hand on the small of my back.

“Hello,” I greeted.

Bowen grinned. “You look exactly like he said.”

“Who said?” I tilted my head quizzically.


My knees wobbled. “You know Logan?”

Bowen’s smile was easy. “I do. I stayed with him in the hospital since they wouldn’t allow alphas on the omega floor. I was with him until OS came and took over, but he kept asking if you were okay.”

“Is he okay?” I demanded.

Bowen’s smile dimmed. “He had a lot of injuries, but the doctors said he’d likely make a full recovery. I’ve been pushing OS to let me see him, and I was able to hack their system to see he’s been relocated to a facility in Missouri.”

“Missouri?” My heart threatened to crack in half.

“It’s their main processing and intake facility, but I’ve seen his medical reports and he is getting better. Physically, anyway. Notes say he’s still withdrawn and tends to keep to himself, but he’s safe.” Bowen tried to give me a reassuring look. “I’m keeping an eye on him.”

Jude hugged me to his side. “As soon as we can arrange it, we’ll make sure you see him, pretty girl.”

“Absolutely,” Bowen agreed.

“Thank you,” I whispered, touched that Bowen had been looking out for Logan.

Jude kissed the side of my head. “Hopefully the guys have good news about the APA when they come home.”

Hope swelled in my chest., and it was a feeling I was finally starting to welcome.


