Page 165 of Pack Dutton: Part One

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The Billings FBI offices were quiet for a Friday. A lot of the staff and agents tended to take half days at the end of the week, but walking into the lobby, something felt off.

The sun was shining bright through the two-story wall of windows that framed the foyer. The silver veins in the marble floor glittered, and the FBI seal was emblazoned in the middle of the space and against the wall, in case anyone was curious as to what building they’d stumbled into.

Two security guards stood behind a half-wall of desks and computers along the wall with the FBI logo, but I didn’t recognize either guard. Usually, the guards were seated to check guest and agent credentials before allowing them passage through the turnstile that led to a bank of elevators.

Crew’s shoulders pulled back as he walked in front, the leader of our pack and team, and I felt the tension rolling off him in waves. In the pack bond, we were all on high alert, and I felt Jude send me a curious prod.

Unsure how to reassure Jude, I shut down that side of the bond. I’d call him when this was all over and we knew what we were dealing with.

Crew slowed to a stop, fixing a hard gaze on the guards. But before he could open his mouth to speak, agents started streaming into the marble foyer, guns raised.

With a growl, we all reached for our weapons, but it was useless. There were at least twenty armed federal agents, all with bullets pointed at our heads.

“Hands up,” Martin barked, stepping into the room with another man I didn’t recognize. He was thin and tall, and looked like he was going to vomit all over the shiny floors.

“What the fuck is this?” Crew growled, slowly lifting his hands. Kellan and I followed suit, because what else was there to do? None of us were bulletproof. I was just thankful Jude and Hazel were at home.


Jude and Hazel were at home.

Alone. Unprotected.

Son of a bitch.

Martin had played us, and we’d walked right into his trap.

Martin grinned, like he’d seen me realize exactly what was going on. The maddening look of triumph in his eyes had me seeing red.

“Mr. Reed, are these the men you told me about?” Martin glanced at the other guy.

“Yes,” he replied, nodding frantically. “They’re the ones who stole my niece.”

My blood ran cold. “Niece?” I gritted out.

“My apologies,” Martin drawled with a grin. “Allow me to introduce Henry Reed, Hazel Jones’s legal guardian following the death of her parents.”

“Hazel’s an adult,” Crew snapped.

Martin tilted his head. “But she’s an omega, and we know federal law mandates guardianship be maintained until a suitable pack is settled upon in her best interests. Mr. Reed informs me that you stole his niece from the alpha he’d contracted her to.”

A roar ripped from Kellan. “You motherfucker.” He glared at Henry, his chest heaving. “Are you an absolute idiot, Martin? She gave a fucking statement about the shit that cult did to her. You’ve seen the medical reports. The injuries Hazel suffered.”

“Which could have been inflicted when your pack went rogue and decided to steal her from her home,” Martin concluded. “Tell me, is that why you had your beta infiltrate the APA organization?”

“That was a federally approved operation,” Crew retorted. “You signed off on it, remember?”

“I signed off on a potential domestic terrorist cell, but tell me, Agent Dutton, did you find any signs of the weapons you expected to uncover? The ingredients for the dirty bomb you were convinced was being constructed?” Martin arched his brows. “Because every member of the APA detained that night has been set free because there was no crime committed.”


“Was not yours to take!” Martin thundered. He stabbed a finger at Henry. “I’ve seen the paperwork. Custody was given to him by the courts, and she was listed as a beta. Her designation didn’t come in until months after her uncle moved her to his home.”

“A home in the fucking woods?” Kellan seethed. “A place where she was kept like a fucking dog in a cage?”

“A cabin in the woods is hardly a cage,” Martin refuted.

Crew shook his head, disgust evident on his face. “I get that you’re pissed at us, Martin, but don’t take this out on Hazel. She’s an omega who was kidnapped and held against her will.”
