Page 167 of Pack Dutton: Part One

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My vision blurred as I struggled to hold on. I dropped the wall around my pack bond to Jude, letting him feel everything.

The unfiltered terror that he sent crashing through our connection was heartbreaking. I couldn’t tell him what was happening. All I could do was pray he felt what was happening to us and knew to get himself and Hazel to safety.

As long as Hazel and Jude were okay, what they did to us didn’t matter.

That was the last thought I had before everything went black.



Nervous butterflies tickled my insides as I watched two cars from Omega Services drive up toward the house. Jude stood next to me, rubbing his chest.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” I asked, glancing at him with concern.

His lips were pressed together so tightly they were white around the edges. He gave a sharp nod that was anything but convincing.

“Jude, talk to me,” I pleaded, grabbing his hand.

His gaze cut to me and then down to where he clutched his phone in his other hand. He’d been holding it for over half an hour now.

Calla and I had just started watching a movie when Jude came into the room, a ball of nerves. Bowen had followed and seemed content to work on his laptop, but the furtive glances he kept shooting at Jude had me growing increasingly worried.

A minute ago we’d gotten the alert that OS was at the front gates, a little early, but I wasn’t going to complain. The sooner I signed whatever paperwork Hillary needed, the better. I just wanted to start my new life with my pack.

And to find Logan, which Bowen assured me we would.

Jude sucked in a deep breath as two black SUVs parked in front of the front steps. “I think something’s wrong.”

I spun to face him. “What?”

“We need to get out of here, Hazel,” he breathed, already backing away from the window we’d been staring at.


“Do you trust me?” he demanded.

My answer was automatic. “Always.”

“Then we need to leave. Now.” His hand tightened around mine and he yanked me toward the family room, yelling for Bowen and Calla.

“What’s wrong?” Bowen asked, shutting his laptop as Calla jumped up.

“I don’t know. I just got a weird vibe in the bond. Something isn’t right.” The words tumbled out of Jude in a frantic stream.

“You armed?” Bowen demanded.

Jude shook his head with a frustrated grunt. “Weapon’s upstairs. Fuck.”

Bowen set the laptop aside as he stood. He reached behind his back and withdrew a gun that had my breath catching. “I’ll call my pack and tell them to get here now.”

Jude nodded and turned to me. “There’s a panic room in the closet of the nest.”

Shock rippled through me. “And that was something you never thought to mention?”

Jude grimaced. “Our jobs are dangerous, baby. We needed to know our omega was protected no matter what. We’ll go there and wait.”

I nodded breathlessly, my head spinning as Calla let out a terrified, keening whine. I turned to grab her, but Bowen reached her first.
