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The heat of the iron left my back, but the pain was still overwhelming.

“I, Donovan Ellis, High Alpha and leader of the Alpha Preservation Alliance, which seeks to restore order and enlightenment to all designations, do so claim this omega as my wife and mate.” The High Alpha’s words sounded far away, like I was underwater. It barely registered that this was the first time I’d ever heard his actual name.

Donovan. Sounded like a pretentious prick.

Tears dripped down my cheeks, the only way I could express the sheer agony I was in. My stomach roiled and threatened to expel whatever I had sloshing around. Could an alpha bark supersede my body’s own compulsion to puke?

“Blessed be the High Alpha! Blessed be the chosen omega!” The cry of the circle set off a new round of chants from the congregation as the High Alpha—Donovan—reached for me.

Now that I knew the asshole’s name, I’d use it. He wasn’t my High Alpha. He was a fucking monster.

I tried to flinch away, but he easily caught my wrists, transferring them both into one of his massive hands. He held me tight, dragging me to my feet before leading me through the circle and to the altar.

I balked, pulling against his strength with zero impact.

Whirling, Donovan glared at me. “Get on that table, omega, or I’ll have my men strip you and hold you down. I’ll tear my way into your body and knot you, letting you watch as they take their pleasure on that boy.”


The fight drained out of my muscles faster than any command or bark could’ve made it.

He smirked and stepped aside so I could get onto the table myself. I practically leapt onto the edge, not wanting the only person I gave a damn about to be hurt again. I didn’t fight when he pushed between my legs.

Hayden snickered. “Bitch is practically begging for it.”

“It’s all an omega is good for—taking knots,” Jared agreed, his eyes raking over me and lingering at the dusky outline of my nipples through the practically see-through fabric.

Donovan flattened a palm between my breasts and pushed me down until my back hit the table. I stared up at the ceiling as I felt his hands move to the front of my dress and the sound of fabric shredding amongst the deafening chants hit my ears.

I closed my eyes, imagining every piece of my body turning to stone. I wasn’t here. This didn’t matter.

Hands pried my legs open wider, and I swallowed another scream.

Stones didn’t scream.

Cruel fingers pressed between my legs, prodding and rough. It barely registered that a trickle of slick was seeping from my center.

At least my omega genes were good for something—slick meant he couldn’t actually rip into me. My body was made to take his thanks to mother-fucking-nature.

“Quiet!” Donovan’s roar made me jump, and the silence that followed was its own form of torture.

“Look at me, omega,” he ordered, forcing me to do what he wanted.

My eyes opened slowly to see him looming over me, his face blurry through a haze of tears.

Donovan grinned, looking feral and unhinged. “I want you to see what our union is. I want to see the moment you surrender to your alpha.”

I am stone, I chanted to myself. Even as my eyes watched him, I felt myself separating from my body.

This wasn’t me. I wasn’t here.

“It is time,” Donovan decreed, positioning himself between my legs. His fingers curled into my thighs with enough bite to bruise, but I didn’t feel it.

“Blessed be the High Alpha. Blessed be the omega,” Hayden and the other circle members murmured.

“Mine,” Donovan snarled, his gaze colliding with mine as his body tensed, preparing to take mine.

My breath caught, my heart seizing.
