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I crab-crawled back until I hit the wall. Wrapping my arms around my legs, I tucked myself into as small of a target as possible.

“What did you do?” Dr. Labine demanded.

Isla hovered in front of me. “Hazel, honey, everything is all right.”

“I didn’t do a damn thing,” Crew snarled, his voice booming through the space.

I let out a small whimper, his anger a palpable thing in the room.

“We’ll need to sedate her,” Dr. Labine muttered. “Nurse, draw up four milligrams of ativan.”

“You’re not knocking her out,” Crew snapped.

I heard Isla get up from in front of me. A drawer opened, and then slammed shut. The metal pieces in it clashed together.

“Sir!” Isla’s tone was outraged and shocked.

“I said you’re not shoving more drugs into her system,” Crew hissed. “I don’t trust you a fucking iota with my omega. We want another physician.”

“I’ve already alerted security!” Dr. Labine shouted.

Everyone was so angry. So violent.

I waited for it to spill over on me. For hands to grab me and pin me down. A desperate whine ripped from my chest as hot tears soaked my cheeks.

If I’d thought it was bad before, all hell broke loose with that pathetic sound I made.

With a deafening roar, Crew detonated like a bomb. Something hard hit the wall opposite me, followed by a shrill scream from Isla. A low, pained moan filled the space. Boots stormed down the hallway, their heavy cadence drawing closer and closer like a death knell.

Reinforcements were never a good thing.

“No, no, no,” I muttered, unable to break the steel grasp panic had around my mind. Rocking back and forth, I tried to block out all the sounds and smells.

Crew’s ragged breaths.

Isla’s choppy pants.

The groans of pain from Dr. Labine.

The sharp tang of blood in the air, a scent I knew all too well, mixing with the stench of charred cocoa and sour oranges.

I gagged around the smell, my stomach threatening to riot.

The absolute worst part, though, was the realization that all of this was happening because of me. I was out of control. Crew was upset because of me. Dr. Labine was probably hurt because of me. Isla was terrified because of me.

I was so broken in that moment, that I forgot how to breathe. My ragged breaths were nearly drowned by sobs.

“Arrest that man!” Dr. Labine shouted as more bodies filled the space.

I wasn’t sure how many security members had shown up, but I knew it was enough to crowd the room. The overwhelming scent of bleach and linen accompanied the newcomers, and that was somehow even worse.

“Back the fuck up.” Crew’s voice cracked through the air with authority, enough that I felt everyone pause. “Hazel.”

I shook my head.

“Hazel, I need you to look at me.” Crew’s voice held that demanding note that spoke of a guy used to people obeying him, but there was a softness to it when he used it on me. “Please, little one. Look at me.”

It took everything in me to lift my gaze above my knees. When I saw the room and everyone in it, terror wrapped an icy fist around my chest.
