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Crew was standing in front of me, looking every inch a warrior with his gun drawn and aimed at the three security guards gathered inside the doorway. Across from me, Dr. Labine was on the floor, glaring up at Crew while Isla held gauze to the side of his head. Bright red blood was saturating the fabric.

“Eyes on me,” Crew reminded me.

My gaze snapped up to his cerulean eyes. “C-Crew.”

His lips twitched into a grim smile. “Are you okay, little one?”

“I’m not sure,” I admitted.

“Sir, put the weapon down and step away from the omega,” the guard in the middle ordered, but he was a beta and it sounded like a chihuahua yapping at a rottweiler’s ankles.

“You’re threatening me and my omega,” Crew replied, his tone cold and even. “According to federal law, I’m within my rights to defend her with lethal force if you don’t back the fuck up.”

My heart leapt into my throat as warmth trickled into my veins. My inner omega thrived at the declaration.

The guards shot uneasy looks at one another.

Dr. Labine coughed and struggled to push Isla aside, his expression murderous. “He is not her alpha,” he told the guards. “He bullied his way in here and likely coerced this omega, who is clearly distraught at his presence. She bears no claiming mark, and I can guarantee she isn’t registered, invalidating any pack claim to her.”

“Not when the claim was made in good faith prior to the new omega codes,” Crew snapped, his chest seeming to get bigger the angrier he got.

I wanted to reach out and touch him. To let him know I was sorry for this mess. That we were in this together now, and I would try to be a worthy omega for him.

Kellan flashed across my mind. Then Jude. And even Rhett.

They could be my pack.

It was like collapsing in front of a bonfire after spending a day outside buried in the snow. My skin prickled with heat and awareness as I felt my very soul shift. I inhaled deeply, finding the rich notes of leather and citrus that was Crew.

Dr. Labine stood up with Isla’s assistance, his face twisted into a sneer. “You’re saying you claimed this omega over three years ago? According to her own statements made in my presence and the presence of three other nurses, she was held in captivity for the last four years.”

One of the guards narrowed his eyes. “Is this true?”

“It is,” Crew gritted out, “but the claim predates her abduction. I’ve known her since she was a small girl.”

Dr. Labine scoffed. “You’re lying.”

“Her full name is Hazel Elizabeth Jones. Her birthday is October twelfth. She broke her left wrist when she was eight falling off the monkey bars at the school playground on the last day of second grade. She hated it because she had to wear a cast and couldn’t swim most of the summer.” Crew listed off facts about me like I was a test he’d studied for and was acing.

But he wasn’t done.

Crew shifted over a few inches to stand closer to me, blocking me from view. “Her mother’s name was Rachel. Her father’s name was David. Both were killed in a car accident two months before she turned eighteen. Her uncle, Henry Reed, was given custody while I was training at Quantico. By the time I knew she was gone, they’d vanished. I can keep telling you all about my omega’s life, but I’m going to start shooting each of you as I list facts.”

The guard in the middle, the one who seemed to be in charge, cleared his throat. “No, sir.”

“He… He’s not… There’s no way,” Dr. Labine couldn’t seem to form a coherent thought.

I stared at Crew’s leg, my gaze snagging on where his pants were shoved into his boots. All except for one small fold of fabric that had rebelled and worked itself free from the confines of the black leather.

I reached out, gently tucking it back in place. My fingers stayed hooked to the inside of his boot, my knuckles pressed against his pants but able to feel the heat of his skin beneath. Exhaling, I felt the world coming back into focus.

“Get this asshole away from my omega,” Crew told the guards, motioning to Dr. Labine before he holstered his gun at his hip. “I want her moved into a pack suite immediately, and attended to by a competent physician.”

“This is outrageous!” Dr. Labine looked ready to explode. His face had taken on a purplish hue.

“You heard the alpha, Doc,” the guard in charge said, looking a little apologetic. “You need to leave.”

“I won’t,” Dr. Labine declared. “I am her doctor, and I have a duty to my patient to see her safe and well.”
