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“Of course not.” The doctor’s cheeks reddened and she cleared her throat. “Your omega genetics make you remarkably resilient in many ways. You have a multitude of contusions and scrapes, but those are all things that will heal. You’re underweight, but I’ve already discussed a dietary plan with your pack that will help you.”

Kellan leaned in to whisper, “All the ice cream you want, sweetheart.”

I cracked half a smile because I freaking loved ice cream.

Dr. Orkan tried to hide a smile. “Within reason, but, yes. I think some ice cream is definitely in order.”

A sharp rap on the door at her back made everyone stiffen, including the doctor. Calla squeezed my hand and slipped off the bed to stand at the foot of it.

“OS,” Crew muttered, shooting me a worried look before smothering it with a calculated facade of aloof indifference. Only the tight muscle fluttering in his jaw gave away his stress. Even his scent didn’t change.

Crew yanked open the suite door to reveal a man and woman on the other side, both dressed to impress. The man, a beta who was several inches shorter than Crew, wore a gray suit and shiny black shoes. His face had a pinched look, and he honestly seemed like he’d be more comfortable behind a desk than standing in a hospital.

The woman… I inhaled carefully to make sure I wasn’t misreading things, but covered under a layer of generic laundry detergent, she smelled like saltwater. Not the beach kind, but the water in a bog smell. It was mingled with something horrifically floral that wrinkled my nose, but let me know this woman was absolutely an omega.


Hadn’t seen that coming.

“I’m Agent Willis,” the man said, holding up an I.D. badge that Crew took from him, carefully examining it and the man before allowing Agent Willis to pass into the room.

The woman followed behind him, her delicate features glancing around. She wore a navy pencil skirt, white top, and matching navy jacket with pearl buttons. Her dark hair was swept back into a chignon, and every inch of her looked like utter omega perfection, from her demure expression to the black pumps that clicked across the tiles.

“This is Hillary,” Agent Willis informed us. “She’s my pack’s omega, and is here as a consideration to Ms. Jones’s comfort.”

“Hello.” Hillary’s eyes found mine, the gray orbs holding about as much warmth as an ice cube in the Arctic. Her gaze shifted to Calla. “This pack claims two omegas?”

“Calla is my sister,” Crew gritted out.

“And my best friend,” I spoke up, annoyed that I needed to justify Calla’s presence in my room.

“And where are her alphas?” Agent Willis asked, arching a bushy black brow.

“Our parents are in the family waiting room,” Crew snapped, folding his arms across his wide chest.

Rhett stood up from Jude’s bed. “Calla was just leaving.”

Calla nodded and started for the door.

“Unescorted?” Hillary gasped, pressing a hand to her chest.

“This is not an omega floor, correct?” Agent Willis frowned, his eyes narrowing.

“No,” Rhett continued before Crew could say anything, “Kellan, Jude, and I were just about to escort her ourselves as we’re not allowed to be part of this meeting.”

Last night, the guys had prepped me a little on what to expect before I’d fallen asleep in Crew’s arms. Only Crew, as the pack’s leader and the one with a claim to me, was allowed to meet with OS alongside me. Thank God I wasn’t flying solo, because it didn’t matter how good the drugs the doctor gave me were—I was edgy and nervous.

My omega side was struggling with the need to assert that the men in this room were mine, especially when Hillary’s gaze lingered with appreciation on Rhett.

Kellan kissed the side of my head. “See you soon, sugar.”

Dr. Orkan stepped aside and waited for everyone to file out before turning to the newcomers. “I’m Dr. Orkan. I’m Hazel’s physician.”

“And how is her health?” Agent Willis asked.

“My omega’s health is none of your concern,” Crew snapped, moving to my side.

“On the contrary,” Agent Willis replied with a smug little smile. “If we find your pack claim to be invalid, Miss Jones will be presented as a possible pack omega in the quarterly Pack Life Initiative letter that goes out in two weeks.”
