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“The what?” My gaze swung to Crew.

His dark blue eyes were twin flames of fury, but they softened a fraction when he focused on me. “It’s a catalog for packs to purchase available omegas.”

Hillary tittered out a laugh. “Oh, Mr. Dutton.”

“Agent Dutton,” Crew corrected with a growl.

That got Hillary’s attention. She blanched a little, her face paling. “I apologize, agent. But the PLI and Omega Services have been working tirelessly to match available omegas with their perfect pack for some time now.”

“You mean for the eighteen months it took President Anders to get Congress to sign off on it,” Crew corrected.

Agent Willis held up a hand. “I think we’re getting ahead of ourselves.”

Dr. Orkan cleared her throat. “Hazel is well enough for a discussion, but she needs rest. I’ve already cleared her to go home with her pack.” She gave me a nod, letting me know where her loyalties were. “I must insist you keep this meeting brief.”

“Of course,” Agent Willis agreed, looking at me like he expected me to shatter any second.

Dr. Orkan turned her body to face Crew and I. “Alpha, please watch your omega for signs of distress or discomfort. Send for me immediately should either occur.”

Crew’s hand settled on the small of my back. “Thank you.” He gave her a tight nod, but we both knew she was giving us an out in case things started going bad.

After the doctor slipped from the room, Crew inclined his head to the sitting room. “Why don’t we move the meeting in there?”

Agent Willis and Hillary nodded, ambling into the space while Crew turned to me.

“Ready?” he whispered.

I nodded and got off the bed, slipping my hand into his and letting him lead me into the sitting room.

Agent Willis and Hillary were already situated on one couch. The agent had taken out a legal pad and poised a pen over it to record everything we said and did.

Crew sat on the opposite sofa and tugged my hand for me to sit down.

I paused, looking at the solid foot of space between the agent and his pack’s omega. I couldn’t imagine Jude leaving that kind of space between us.

Instead of sitting next to Crew, I dropped onto his lap, smiling when he didn’t miss a beat and wrapped his arms around me like I was exactly where I was meant to be.



Unlike the omega seated across from me, Hazel wasn’t using any scent suppressors, so the longer she was on my lap, the more aware of her I became. As she answered questions in a soft voice, I had to work on keeping my dick from grinding into her ass.

So far? I was losing that battle.

But other than her back stiffening when she accidentally shifted and felt my erection nudging her ass, my girl hadn’t wavered.

And yeah, I knew it was pretty fucking ballsy to declare Hazel as mine, but my alpha instincts didn’t give a single fuck. From the second I’d smelled her sweetly addictive scent mingled with Kellan’s, I’d known she was the omega our pack had been waiting for.

Not that we’d ever really pursued an omega, and thank fuck for that. But with our careers and the inherent danger, combined with long hours and lengthy missions, it never seemed fair having an omega in our pack. It wasn’t responsible to have an omega waiting in a house somewhere, worrying if her pack would come home.

Rhett and Jude were the only ones who’d decided to have an honest-to-shit relationship, while Kellan and I viewed sex as more of a way to blow off steam than to form a connection. Kellan and I opted for singular performances with a partner when we had the time, and when we didn’t…

Our pack was a pack for a reason. Sexuality wasn’t some chart that could be graphed and quantified with absolute values. I didn’t view myself as gay or even bisexual, but when I’d gone into a rut after a mission last year, Jude hadn’t hesitated to literally take one for the team. And when my rut lasted for several agonizing days in the middle of a Colombian jungle, Rhett and Kellan hadn’t hesitated to tag in, too. We’d done the same for Kellan two years prior.

My pack was my family. Calla and I had two other brothers, and what I felt for them was like comparing a lit match to a bonfire when it came to how I felt about my pack.

And in less than twelve hours, Hazel had become a part of that pack whether she liked it or not.
