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Hazel surprised us both with a dry laugh. “Did it? I was too busy trying not to have a panic attack to notice.”

I cupped her jaw with my hand, turning her to look at me. “You did perfectly, little omega.”

A soft pink blush stole across her porcelain cheeks, her pupils widening at the praise. “Thank you.”

Unable to stop myself, I leaned in and kissed the tip of her nose. “I know we have a lot to discuss, but how would you feel about doing that at home?”

Her lips turned down. “I don’t have a home, Crew.”

“You always have a home with us,” I vowed, holding her gaze. “No matter what.”

She let out a soft sigh. “Crew… I’m a mess, you know that, right? I’m just winging everything, and I’m waiting for the minute reality bitch slaps me into remembering I have nothing. My parents are dead, my uncle left me with nothing except a bunch of shares to a company I can’t access, and that’s not even touching the four years of trauma I need to process.” Her gaze slid away. “You guys deserve better. I can’t be the omega you wanted.”

“I’m not a fan of repeating myself, so you need to listen to me, Hazel.” I grabbed her chin, jerking her face back to see mine. “You are the omega my pack needs.”

“You can’t know that,” she argued weakly.

“Yes, I can,” I retorted. “The same way Kellan knew it the second he saw you. The way Jude risked everything to convince us to rescue you the other night. And how Rhett was powerless to stay away from you for more than a goddamned few hours. You’re the omega our pack has been waiting for.”

Even as I spoke the words, I felt the truth of them settle in my bones.

Her lower lip trembled. “What if I’m too broken?”

I snorted. “Baby, you’re acting like you’re the damaged one. Did it ever occur to you that there was a reason we never registered with Designation Services to apply for our own omega? It’s because we knew our life never would’ve worked with an omega before.”

Her brow furrowed. “So, what’s changed?”

“You,” I replied. “I can say, without a shadow of a doubt, that every single one of us will turn in our resignation tomorrow if it means we get to be your pack.”

Her eyes went comically wide. “Crew, you can’t do that. You can’t give up your careers for me.”

The fuck we couldn’t, but maybe now wasn’t the time for that.

I sighed softly. “How about we agree to go into this arrangement with open minds. Let’s get through your heat and see how you feel after.” I pushed a lock of auburn hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear.

Slowly, she nodded. “I can do that, I think. But if it doesn’t work out, we can all just go our separate ways, right?”

“Of course,” I lied, complete with a reassuring smile. Because there was no way in hell I was ever letting this omega go.



Jude needed one final scan, and I had another panel of lab work, before the doctors officially released us into the care of our pack. Rhett and Kellan wheeled Jude and I out in wheelchairs as Crew drove a massive SUV up to the curb, double parking to let us get in.

I scrambled into the third row of seating, expecting to sit by myself, but Kellan and Jude hurried to claim spots on either side of me, leaving a pouting Rhett in one of the middle captain’s chairs. He spun around to see us as Crew started the car.

“You guys suck,” Crew announced, shaking his head as he pulled onto the road.

“Jealousy looks good on you, bro,” Kellan teased, wrapping an arm around my shoulders as Jude threaded his fingers with mine.

Rhett scowled and leaned forward, tugging on my seatbelt. At my questioning look, a small smile tipped up the corners of his full mouth. “Making sure you’re secure, love.” He glared at Kellan and Jude. “Next time, she sits in a seat with a shoulder belt.”

I glanced down at the lap belt settled snugly across my hips. “What’s wrong with?—”

“Your safety is our top priority,” Crew cut in from the front, stopping at a red light and turning to fix his gaze on me. A frown pulled his brows down, and I immediately wanted to soothe him.

“Okay,” I agreed.
