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“May eighteenth,” Hazel answered, giving my birthday to the beta who hadn’t stopped drilling her with questions.

I snaked an arm around Hazel’s waist, feeling grumpy and protective that she had to jump through all these damn hoops.

Our country was out of fucking control.

No, scratch that.

The world was going to shit. The laws the United States had passed in the prior two years were extreme for our country, but on a global scale, they barely blipped.

There were countries in Asia that micro-chipped their omegas to keep them under constant surveillance. Several provinces in Europe locked up unbonded omegas in veritable prisons as the omegas waited for a pack to be picked for them, removing any and all choice.

It was a shitty time to be an omega, and I hated that Hazel was dealing with that now.

My pack should’ve been taking Hazel home and settling her into her nest to help her ride out the rest of her heat. Instead, we were stuck with these two assholes who felt it was their right to question my claim on my omega.

A low growl rumbled in my chest, annoyance sparking like a solar flare bursting off the sun.

Agent Willis froze in the middle of asking his next question and Hillary shuddered, showing the first crack in her icy facade.

Hazel twisted on my lap, turning so she could see me. Her thigh brushed the tip of my rock-hard cock, and I barely swallowed a groan.

Her eyes widened, the gold flecks in her irises vibrant up close. She rested a soft hand on my chest as she nibbled her lower lip. “Crew?”

I let my eyes close and inhaled deeply through my nose, surrounding myself with her essence and letting that ground me before I leaned in and nuzzled her throat. “Sorry, baby.”

A shiver skittered down her spine, goosebumps popping up across her neck as she leaned more of her weight against my chest. I fixed Agent Willis with a glare. “Are you almost finished? My omega needs rest, and we want to take her home before her medication starts to wear off.”

Another bolt of irrational anger surged in my blood as I recalled the magnitude of Hazel’s situation. In a perfect world, we’d have months, weeks, or at least days to let Hazel get used to us.

We had, by my count, less than thirty-six hours before her heat returned with a vengeance. Thirty-six hours wasn’t much time to help Hazel feel as safe and secure as possible with us. Especially not considering the hellhole we’d rescued her from.

Agent Willis narrowed his eyes and gave a curt nod. “In lieu of Miss Jones’s extenuating circumstances, we’d never deny her the comfort of alphas during her heat. Especially knowing the long-term damage it might cause.”

I ground my teeth together as he boiled this entire situation down to why the government gave a fuck: Hazel’s womb and her ability to birth other omegas.

Agent Willis stood, nodding to his partner that she should join him. “But please know that Omega Services will be checking in with your pack to ensure all of Miss Jones’s needs are being met. And it is imperative that you not exchange claiming bites until after OS has a chance to make certain your pack is approved.”

It rankled that this asshole thought he could tell me how to treat my omega, but the pack had already discussed claiming bites. Once an alpha, or a pack, claimed an omega, there was no going back without a lot of pain for all parties involved. So until Hazel was able to make a clear, informed decision of her own, biting her into the pack was off the table.

Willis shot me a look. “You will need to immediately file the proper paperwork to assert your legal claim to her.”

God, I wanted to punch this asshole. Omegas weren’t objects. They were people. But I knew better than to start an argument now.

I pushed a brittle smile across my lips. “Of course. My pack already has. It was filed in the clerk’s office this morning for the state, and an application was sent to the National Pack Affairs headquarters in Philadelphia.”

The agent huffed. “Right. And your pack won’t have an issue with unannounced visitations by OS, will they?”

We would, but I couldn’t say that. “Not at all,” I lied, my arms tightening around the omega on my lap who wisely just watched us speak, observing everything.

“We’ll be in touch then,” Agent Willis said.

Hillary passed a business card to Hazel. “If you have any concerns or difficulties with your pack, please don’t hesitate to call. Omega Services is here to make sure your life is as beautiful as every omega deserves.”

Hazel took the card. “Thank you.” She snuggled back against my chest and turned her face up to nuzzle the underside of my jaw with her nose.

I didn’t bother standing up to show our guests out because they could fuck all the way off. I did, however, wait until they’d left before speaking again.

“I think that went well,” I drawled.
