Page 1 of A New Home

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Chesham Cove, England, glittered in the fading dusk light as Charlotte Moore stared out her bedroom window. The quaint village sprawled at the edge of a calm sea, looking like something out of a fairytale as the horizon turned into an alchemy of amber and sapphire. The gentle summer evening breeze, infused with the briny scent of the ocean, rustled through the nearby cliffs where wildflowers clung to their rugged edges and right into Charlotte’s open window. It was a summer evening that seemed to whisper promises, and Charlotte felt excited by the evening’s possibilities.

Inside The Old Crown Inn, Charlotte turned to the antique mirror that hung in her private quarters, her reflection caught within the intricate details of the frame. She nervously adjusted her outfit, smoothing out the wrinkles on her delicate sundress and twirling a strand of chestnut hair around her finger. Simon would be here any minute, and Charlotte was giddy with excitement. She looked forward to spending the evening with him—the latest in what was getting to be several months of dating.

"Come on, Charlotte, no reason to be nervous," she whispered to herself, taking a deep breath and straightening her posture. She wanted to make a good impression on Simon, to show him that she was ready for a new beginning after the all-too-recent tumultuous end to her marriage. Charlotte was grateful for the opportunity to start anew with someone who seemed to understand her in a way that no one else had for a very long time. She hadn’t expected to fall for someone so soon after her impromptu move to England, but she wasn’t going to let the wounds of her old marriage hold her back from the fun she’d been having with Simon. Her ex, Daniel, had been the one to choose the split—and now, she was choosing. Her new business, her new love, and a new start.

As she made her way down the stairs of the inn, the smell of dinner wafted through the air. In the cozy kitchen of The Old Crown Inn, Charlotte had been busy preparing a classic British meal. The centerpiece of the dinner was a beautifully roasted beef Wellington, its golden, flaky pastry crust encasing a tender, perfectly cooked fillet of beef. Alongside it, she had prepared a rich, velvety red wine jus, its savory aroma mingling with the scent of the roast.

For the sides, Charlotte had chosen honey-roasted carrots and parsnips, their edges caramelized to a sweet perfection, and a dish of steamed green beans, bright and crisp. A creamy, indulgent cauliflower cheese, bubbling with a golden crust, sat waiting to be served.

The table was set with vintage China—a gift that the attic of The Crown had yielded on a slightly terrifying venture into the upper recesses of the old house— each plate adorned with a sprig of fresh rosemary from the garden. In the center of the table, a simple but elegant arrangement of wildflowers, picked from the cliffs, added a touch of color. She took a moment to appreciate the scene, feeling a sense of pride and anticipation for the evening ahead. Soon, Simon would arrive, and they would share this special meal together.

The moment Charlotte had been anticipating finally arrived as the sound of the door knocker echoed through the quiet inn. Her heart fluttered with excitement; this was it, Simon was here. She hurried to the door, her steps light on the old wooden floors, each creak a familiar note in the symphony of The Old Crown Inn's history.

Opening the door, Charlotte was greeted by the sight of Simon, standing in the soft glow of the porch light. He looked every bit the gentleman, his attire smart yet casual, perfectly suited for the evening. In his hand, he held a bouquet of flowers, their colors vibrant against the twilight backdrop. The bouquet was a beautiful mix of wildflowers, reminiscent of those she had picked for the dinner table, each petal seemingly capturing the essence of the summer evening.

Charlotte's face lit up with a radiant smile, her eyes sparkling with delight. "Simon, they're beautiful," she exclaimed, admiring the flowers. There was an ease in her voice, a warmth that spoke of comfort and familiarity—and happiness. It wasn’t lost on Charlotte that she hadn't heard her own voice sound like that in many years. Simon returned her smile, his own eyes reflecting joy.

"Only the best for you, love," Simon replied, handing her the bouquet. "They reminded me of this place, of you. And you look beautiful," he said, his eyes sparkling with admiration.

"Thank you," Charlotte replied, feeling a blush creeping into her cheeks. There was an awkwardness to their interaction, but she relished the newness of it.

As she took the flowers, their hands brushed lightly, sending a ripple of excitement through her. Charlotte invited Simon in, leading him through the dimly lit corridors of the inn, their footsteps a soft patter against the hush of the evening. Reaching the dining room, Charlotte showed Simon the table she had meticulously prepared. Simon's eyes took in the scene with an appreciative gaze.

"This looks incredible, Charlotte," he said, admiration evident in his tone. "You've outdone yourself."

“Please, let’s sit. Everything’s ready.”

As they sat down for dinner, Charlotte and Simon made small talk, and she smiled at the way his eyes lit up as he spoke. They ate and laughed and leaned close to one another, their hands brushing against each other's, and Charlotte felt a nervous energy buzzing within her, hyperaware of Simon's presence beside her. Taking a bite of her food, she snuck a glance at his rugged profile, taking in the way the soft kitchen light accentuated his handsome features.

"This is fantastic," Simon said, breaking the silence between them. "If owning a B&B doesn’t work out, you could always be a chef."

Charlotte nodded, laughing, tucking a strand of windswept hair behind her ear. "I bet I would fare a lot better as a chef here than back home in New York," she replied softly. “The culinary world there is very cutthroat.”

“I prefer you here, anyway,” Simon said, smiling. Then, Simon stopped, turning to face Charlotte. Her nervous energy intensified as he reached for her hand, his rough, calloused fingers intertwining with her slender ones.

"I'm glad you found your way here," he murmured, his sky-blue eyes boring into hers. Charlotte's heart quickened, a blush rising to her cheeks. She wondered if he could hear it thudding in her chest.

The moment stretched between them, weighted with anticipation. Charlotte wet her lips, torn between wanting to stay in this perfect moment and yearning to close the space between them. Before she could decide, Simon leaned in, his hand coming up to cradle her cheek. Charlotte's eyes fluttered shut as his lips met hers in a soft, tentative kiss. Warmth flooded through her and she sighed into the kiss. After a moment, Charlotte pulled back slowly, her eyes opening to meet Simon's tender gaze. She drew in a shaky breath, her heart racing.

"Wow," Simon whispered, a smile tugging at his lips.

Charlotte let out a soft laugh. "Wow is right."

Simon brushed his thumb over her cheekbone, his expression turning serious. "Charlotte, I-"


They sprang apart as Amelia came bounding into the kitchen, her face alight with excitement.

"Amelia!" Charlotte pressed a hand to her fluttering heart. "You're home early. I thought you were meeting someone for coffee."

"I wanted to see you before your big date." Amelia hustled over to throw her arms around Charlotte in an exuberant hug before turning to Simon with a bright smile. "Hi Simon! It's so nice to see you again."

Simon chuckled, returning the smile. "You too, Amelia. How's summer break going?"

As Amelia launched into a detailed account of her adventures in Chesham Cove since her arrival, Charlotte observed the easy rapport between them, her heart swelling. Simon listened attentively, interjecting an occasional question or funny remark that made Amelia giggle. It had been ages since Charlotte had heard her college-aged, all-grown-up daughter giggle. This was the Amelia she remembered from easier days - playful, enthusiastic, fully present. Charlotte realized that Simon's warm, gentle spirit had likely played a role in coaxing out this lighter side of her daughter again. Charlotte felt a sense of rightness. Here, in this seaside village, with her daughter thriving and a man who saw past her faults to the goodness within, she had found a new beginning.
