Page 41 of Lone Star Showdown

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Rachel whirled around at the sound of yet more footsteps, and she saw another man come in through the mudroom. He was dusting off his clothes.

“Rafe Cross,” he said, introducing himself as Rayna had done.

Now, that was a name Rachel recognized. He was an operative who was involved with the sheriff.

Rafe lifted a plastic grocery bag. “I brought my own snacks,” he said. “I’m not in the mood for Pop-Tarts.”

Rachel volleyed some glances at all three of them, hoping they’d soon tell her what was going on.

“You owe me big time for this,” Marco grumbled, aiming the complaint at Jericho.

“I know, but we need this,” Jericho said. He went to the closet and took out a Kevlar vest that he put on. He also grabbed his knives, backup gun, and his slingshot. “The killer’s probably going after someone in the next twenty-four hours if not a whole lot sooner.”

Hearing that spelled out put a knot in Rachel’s stomach, but she still wasn’t sure how they were going to manage to find and stop who was committing these murders.

Jericho finally turned to her. Not for a kiss this time. Everything about him was in the work mode of a Maverick Ops operative.

“Marco has leaked info that he’ll be going with you and me to take Tilda from the hospital back to Stronghold,” Jericho explained.

And Rachel got it then.

“I’m not going. Rayna is,” she said.

Jericho nodded. “And Rafe will be staying with you just in case the killer clues into the ploy and comes here looking for you. You’ll be safe,” he added.

Yes. But Jericho wouldn’t be. “You’re setting yourself up as bait. Rayna, too,” she added. “And Marco.”

Marco, Rayna, and Jericho all gave nods. Marco tacked on a shrug to his response. “This is the sort of thing we do. Well, I don’t usually do it with Rayna, but if the killer takes the bait, then we’ll get him.”

Rachel immediately thought of something else. “What about Aunt Tilda?”

“She won’t be involved,” Jericho was quick to assure her. “She’s still being guarded, and the plan is for the three of us to go in the van. If the killer hasn’t struck by the time we get to the hospital, I’ll back up the van right to one of the side doors, and we’ll move a stretcher with a covered dummy into the rear of the van. Then, we’ll drive toward Stronghold.”

So, it was all worked out. But Rachel knew what this meant.

“You’ll have to let the killer get close for you to catch him,” she spelled out.

No one disputed that.

Rachel felt an overwhelming sense of dread wash over her. Three lives would be on the line. Part of her wanted to hold onto Jericho and keep him safe.

But that wouldn’t harness a killer.

Others could die. And she reminded herself that they were three trained operatives. If anyone could stop this monster, it would be this team.

“The van is rigged with a camera,” Jericho told her. “I’d prefer you didn’t watch, but—”

“I’ll watch,” Rachel interrupted. “I’ll watch,” she repeated in a soft murmur.

Jericho no doubt saw the worry in her eyes, and he brushed a kiss on her forehead. “I’ll be back soon.”

She knew that wasn’t a promise he could actually keep, but Rachel latched onto it anyway. Suddenly, there were so many things she wanted to say to him. But the timing was off. So, she settled for brushing a quick kiss on his cheek.

Jericho turned it into a real kiss. Causing Marco to groan. Rafe to cheer. And Rayna to give a slow clap. Jericho was smiling when he eased away from her.

Then, he was gone.

Rayna, Marco, and he hurried out to the van, leaving Rafe and her there. To wait. To worry. To pray that they would all indeed make it back safely with a killer in restraints.
