Page 50 of Lone Star Showdown

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The sound she made was of pleasure, but it was mixed with a heavy sigh because she knew this would be like walking on glass. Gentle wasn’t usually their style. More like a frantic rush to burn off the heat and find that release from the pressure cooker need.

But for now, Rachel went with slow, easy.


She made sure the kiss packed the fire, that it stoked the pleasure that was already there. But she only touched him with her mouth. Of course, her mouth could go many places, and she trailed her lips and tongue down his neck to his chest.

She felt him brace. Felt his muscles react and tighten. Heard his quick release of breath.

Her muscles reacted, too, and the heat came roaring through her, settling in her center, and making her crave everything Jericho was capable of giving her.

“There’s a condom in the nightstand drawer,” Jericho told her as she was about to go lower.

So, he wanted actual sex. No surprise there. Even when they’d been teenagers, he’d wanted the full deal and not something she could finish off with her mouth.

“If I hurt you—” she said, shucking off her top.

“You won’t,” he interrupted.

She took him at his word, mainly because she was in the throes of deep passion where pretty much everything sounded reasonable. Later, she might kick herself for giving in to this, but for now, she stood and took off her jeans.

While he watched.

Rachel slowed down the undressing despite her body begging for her to move things along. She slowed down and savored his gaze sliding down the length of her. No self-consciousness. Not with this slow-burning heat. Nope.

She wanted him to see. And want. And need.

Just as she was doing.

Once she was naked, she went after his boxers with that same crawling pace. Inch by inch, she slid the boxers off his hips and down. Yes, past his erection. Then, further down his thighs and legs.

Until she had a stark naked Jericho in front of her.

As sights went, it was plenty amazing.

Rachel opened the condom, and while still standing, she put it on him, making sure she did a little touching torture in the process. Making sure she kept building and building that fire.

The fire built all right, and it was raging inside her when she moved back onto the bed and onto his lap. Their eyes connected again, and only then did she take him inside her.

Pure, hot pleasure.

It came so hard, so fast that she couldn’t help but move. Couldn’t help but start the strokes that would end all of this too soon. Too fast. Part of her wanted to hang on. To make this last, oh, forever. The other part of her was just racing to the finish line, trying to sate her body’s demand.

The demand of now, now, now.

Rachel had no choice but to take the now when the climax wracked through her, claiming her and filling her entire body with that pleasure. She gave Jericho a few more of those thrusts, and she watched as she sent him right over the edge.

Chapter Seventeen

----- ??? -----

Jericho woke to a full dose of sun blaring through the window. He automatically shifted to check the time.

Then, he winced.

Hell in a big-assed handbasket, he’d forgotten all about the stitches, but all six of them had reminded him. They gave a war whoop of pain, joining in with his stiff muscles and bruises. Definitely not his most pleasant wakeup.

Except it was.
