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“Babe, those strangers are just arseholes. They don’t know a single thing about you, and you shouldn’t let their opinions matter to you at all. I guarantee you that your opinion doesn’t matter to them. Rodger’s nothing but an abusive addict. Gambling isn’t so different to drugs. Once addicted, a person changes. The only thing an addict like him truly loves is the thrill of whatever vice they’re hooked on. Focus on the people who do care. I’ve been by your side for nearly twenty years, and nothing is ever going to cut me out of your life, babe. I love you like a sister. In fact, I totally love you more than my sister. She’s a bitch, while you’re a sweetheart.”

That had Juli chuckling a little. Jess was right. Her baby sister was a spoiled brat of the highest order and such a bitch.

“And what about Daniil? He’s saved your arse how many times now? Men don’t do that for just anybody, especially men like him. You know I hear all sorts of shit in the salon, and from what I’ve heard, that man doesn’t date. Ever. He’s a fuck ‘em, then leave ‘em kinda man. But with you, he’s had to work bloody hard to even get you to go to dinner with him. You’re so fucking lovable you’ve converted a silver fox man-whore into boyfriend material. Be proud!”

She knew Jess was trying to make her laugh, but that one was a little too close to the bone.

“Rodger told me what Daniil does for a living, like, the non-legit stuff. He’s a criminal, and kills people, maybe even sells them. I don’t want to be here with him.”

Jess wiggled back a little so she could hold her gaze.

“Okay, firstly, as I’ve mentioned before, Rodger is an arse wipe. Nothing he says is worth even listening to. Secondly, I’ve just sat down and had coffee with Daniil. He’s really worried, and he cares about you. A lot. He has the money and time to keep you cared for and protected while you heal. In your shoes, I’d stay here and soak it all up while I could. He hasn’t hurt you, has he? Tried to rape you?”

Jess’s raised eyebrow indicated she already knew the answer.

“No, he’s not done anything to hurt me. But I know he’s killed men. He’s admitted it to me. What happens if I make him mad?”

Jess chuckled. “Babe, trust me. You’ve frustrated him plenty in the last week or so, and what has he done? He’s sent you flowers and presents. That man is whipped so badly it’s not funny. And yeah, he’s a criminal. Hell, he’s one of the Kings of Sydney, babe. Men don’t get to that position by polishing their saintly halos at every turn. But if he was going to hurt you in some way, or use you, he would have done it by now. Hell, he could have snatched you that first day you met at the markets, and no one would have known what happened to you. But he didn’t. How about you ask the man directly what his plans for you are, rather than take the word of your ex, who you know lies and cheats?”

Juli sighed heavily. “Yeah. I hear you. But right now, it’s all too much. I don’t want to deal with any of it. I know it’s not like me, but I kinda just want to hide from the world and lick my wounds for a while, you know? Worry about all this shit some other day.” When I find the will to keep going, even though I have nothing much left in my life worth living for.

“You go for it, babe. After all the shit you’ve been through, I’m surprised you haven’t cracked before now. You take all the time you need. I’ll be right here for you, ready to help however I can.”

After that, they just lay there silently. Jess stroked her hair and face a little, and when she began to rub her back, Juli drifted off to sleep again.


A week later, Daniil was ready to explode. He’d only managed to keep Julietta with him for two days before she’d begged Jess to take her home. He wanted to be the one who comforted her, but he’d been eavesdropping on the conversations the girls had been having each day when Jess came to visit, and he understood his Julietta needed time to heal and recover. This wasn’t just about him and the latest attack, it was about her whole world crashing down around her. How recent events had obviously brought up things she’d not dealt with regarding her mother’s death, and, of course, being duped by Rodger clearly had her reeling.

From the moment he’d met her, he admired her inner light and spark. Then as he learned more, he marvelled at her strength to keep staying positive through everything life had thrown at her. But it seemed this latest attack had been too much and she’d shattered. Since she’d gone back to live with Jess, he’d visited each day, but she barely moved. It took both him and Jess to coax her into eating the smallest of meals, and for the most part, she simply stayed curled up in her bed, refusing to talk to or look at anyone. He’d climbed in with her a few times, spooning up behind her so he could hold her close to him. Each time he had, she’d snuggled back into him with a sigh, but that was all the reaction he got. It was breaking his heart to watch her fade away.

Because he’d never before cared for a woman like he did for Julietta, he had no experience in how to handle this situation. Nor did he have anyone in his life he could ask for advice. No parents or grandparents. He tried to think back over his childhood, to the things his father had done for his mother when she’d been unhappy. But he couldn’t remember either of his parents ever being anything other than content and happy with life.

What he did know was that previously, she had sought solace in her photography and in the attack, her camera equipment had been smashed beyond repair. So, today he was going to try a different tactic with her. No more coddling. She needed to get out of that tiny room and get some fresh air into her lungs. Remember why life was worth living.

It was mid-morning Sunday when he arrived at her place, and Jess let him in with a grim smile. He winced as he realised she’d missed another week of work and opening her stall at the markets. Of course, he’d contacted both the surf school and the market organisers to explain the situation and pay them enough to hold open her job and site, but that wouldn’t make any difference if she couldn’t find a way to fight her way back to the land of the living.

“Morning, D.”

If he wasn’t so worried for Julietta, he’d have laughed at the way Jess was now using the nickname Viktor and Yury used for him most days.

“No change?”

She shook her head, looking sad. “Nope. She’s still in her room. I haven’t gone in there yet this morning.”

He nodded. “I’m taking her out today.”

Jess’s eyes widened. “Not sure she’ll go for that, but good luck.”

He grinned. “I don’t intend on giving her a choice. Well, she’ll get a choice on whether she goes in whatever she’s currently wearing, or if she wants a shower and to get changed first. But that’s the end of her choices.”

Jess’ body shook with laughter. “Can I video this? Because her reaction is gonna be priceless.”

Pain shot into his heart. “No videos, and as much as the old Julietta would have lashed out at me, this new, depressed version of her probably won’t do much at all. I almost wish she would lash out.”

Jess didn’t respond, which didn’t surprise him. What could either of them say? Their strong, beautiful girl was fading right before their eyes.

He headed to Julietta’s room, knocking lightly before he entered. Another shot of pain pierced his heart. She lay on the bed, but the room was so dark, he could barely make out her form under the blankets. The air in the room was stale and smelled bad enough he rubbed a hand under his nose. Damn.
