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He went to the window and opened the blinds, allowing bright sunlight into the space. He slid the window open, taking a deep breath of the fresh air before he turned to face his girl. She lay facing him but had put a hand over her face, he guessed covering her eyes from the sudden light he’d inflicted on her. Her purple-blue hair that normally looked bright and full of life, lay limp around her head in a mess.

“C’mon, krasivaya, time to get up. We’re going out.”

She separated her fingers and glared at him but stayed silent. He refused to give in, no matter how much he wanted to go curl up behind her and simply hold her close. Folding his arms across his chest, he stared at her.

“Either you get up and go shower and change, or I’ll carry you out to the car as you are. Your choice.”

She scoffed at him, and he thought he caught a glimmer of humour in her eyes before she rolled onto her front, burying her face in her pillow with a groan. He moved toward her, gently gripping her shoulder to roll her over. He brushed her hair away from her face before he leaned in to press a kiss to her forehead.

“Help me help you. You know a shower will make you feel better, and then I have a surprise that I know you’ll love.”

“You’re not going to give up and go away, are you?”


He lowered his mouth to hers, kissing her. He’d barely pressed his lips against hers when she groaned and pulled away, covering her mouth with her hand.

“My breath has to be horrendous.”

Her animated reaction had his hope blooming that she was ready to come back to the world of the living. He’d missed her so much this week, and had been aching for the torment she was going through.

He pulled back and ran his knuckles down her cheek.

“It’ll take more than some morning breath to get me to leave you. It’s time, my Julietta. You’ve got twenty minutes to shower and dress, and then we’re leaving. And we will be going out. Don’t think I won’t come in here and carry you out in whatever you happen to be wearing when it’s time to go.”

With that, he gave her another quick kiss before he strode out of her room and back toward the kitchen, hoping Jess wouldn’t mind him joining her for a coffee while he waited.

“How’d it go?”

He shrugged. “Find out in twenty minutes. However, I’m optimistic she won’t be going out in her pyjamas.”

And that was the truth. The way she’d kissed him back was the most life she’d shown since the attack, and it gave him hope things would be okay. Because over the past week, he’d come to realise he’d fallen completely in love with his little surfer. No way did he want to live his life without her in it, so he needed to make certain she got strong again, and then he would set about winning her heart and making her his forever.

Because Juli didn’t doubt for a moment Daniil would drag her arse out of the house in her pyjamas, she hauled herself out of bed. Sitting on the edge of her mattress, she ran a fingertip over her lips. They were still tingling from his powerful kisses. A little sigh escaped her. The man could certainly kiss, that was for sure.

Groaning, she stood and grabbed a pair of panties and a maxi-dress with a built-in shelf bra because that was about all her energy level could handle at the moment. Then she headed to the shared bathroom.

Twenty minutes later, she entered the kitchen feeling a lot better than she had all week. She couldn’t remember when she’d last showered, and it felt good to be clean from head to toe and in fresh clothes. She wasn’t sure what Daniil had planned for their day, but she really didn’t want to be around a whole heap of people. Fuck, she hoped he wouldn’t be mad with her if she couldn’t handle whatever he’d planned and begged to come home.

“Hey, babe!”

Jess tackle-hugged her before she could make it more than two steps inside the room. Juli gave her friend a couple of awkward pats on the back before she tried to pry free.

“How you feeling? Better? Damn, but it’s good to see you up and around!”

She shrugged, feeling a little like a science experiment. “Could use a coffee.”

Distraction. She needed to get Jess’ focus off her. Daniil strode across the kitchen to her, cupping her cheek as he lowered his face and kissed her again. With her palms on his chest, she leaned into him, moaning when he nipped her lower lip before he pulled back. Dropping his arm so he could wrap it around her waist, he brought up his other hand, which held his own coffee.

“Drink mine, krasivaya, and then we’ll head out.”

She took the warm mug from his hand, and a thrill ran through her as she put her mouth where he’d had his and drunk his coffee. It was bitter on her tongue, but she didn’t complain. Normally she added milk and sugar to her brew, but this dark, unsweetened coffee was exactly what she needed this morning. She didn’t need sweet, not when harshness was her new reality, so the drink was perfect.

Daniil kept his arm around her, holding her close as she drank the rest of his coffee. The gentle strokes he was making over her lower back and upper edge of her arse had all sorts of sensations running through her body. Apparently, her libido had forgiven him and wanted more of what she knew he could give her. Her mind was still on the fence about whether he was forgiven, though.

The moment she drunk the last mouthful, he took the mug, handed it to Jess, then dragged her out the door before she could even say bye to her friend. She was surprised to see he’d switched out his sleek black SUV for a sexy, little blue Mustang convertible with silver racing stripes. Her knowledge of cars was pretty limited, but even she knew what the little horse on the front meant.

“I didn’t know you had a Mustang.”

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