Page 16 of Unplanned

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If my mother put a tracker in my car, is it possible that she also put a tracker on me? Like implanted one in my body somewhere. I’ve already checked all of my belongings and made sure there wasn’t anything in them. None of my clothes or shoes have any sign of being tampered with. So, this means the only other possibility is that she’s had a tracker put on me. If Dr. Tallman finds something, I’m going to be pissed as fuck. I’ve already called her and she knows I’m coming to see her. I didn’t get into things over the phone, but she knows it’s urgent.

Leaving the clubhouse, I don’t bother telling anyone I’m leaving since no one’s really here. All the kids are at one of the houses with an ol’ lady, the club girls are still sleeping or doing whatever it is they do, and the few Prospects left here for the day are working on getting the bar ready for tonight or doing some other task that’s been assigned to them for the day. I’ll be okay on my own for a little while today without having a babysitter. My mother has already made her first move by calling me. She won’t make another one just yet. I give it a few days before she shows her hand.

Dr. Tallman did in fact find a fucking tracker implanted in my shoulder. It was in the back of my shoulder where my mother told me a few years ago that I needed to have a mole removed. I remember the day I had the procedure done as if it were yesterday. My mother took me to a small office building where I was given a sedative to make me sleep long enough for the mole to be removed. I think they call it twilight or something because as soon as the medicine was no longer being pushed through my IV, I woke up. Anyway, I wasn’t really in pain or anything, but there was a lump I felt there. My mother assured me it was normal and would fade with time. It hasn’t, but I kind of forget it’s been there over the years since it didn’t really bother me. Fucking bitch!

After removing the tracker, Dr. Tallman assured me she’d make sure Goose got it so he could do his thing with it. I’m not sure why he needs to do anything to the tracker since it’s no longer embedded in my body, but that’s not my call to make. I guess the more information we all have, the better prepared we’ll be. Not that I’ll be here.

I’m currently sitting in the parking lot of the grocery store with a new notebook and pen I got quickly after leaving Dr. Tallman’s office. I’m making a list of what I need to do and what I need to have when I leave here. Since my mother definitely knows where the fuck I am, there’s no point in me not grabbing more money while I can. The more I have with me, the farther away I’ll be able to get. There’s a bank I can go to in the next town over that’s the same bank I used back home. I won’t have to worry about using an ATM this time. I can go there and pull out a large sum of money to hide away until I’m ready to head out. This will help because I need to buy a used car and it’s going to cost me a few thousand dollars at least.

After calling the bank to make sure they can arrange for the amount of money I want to pick up in two days is ready, I sit back and look through the paper I bought with the notebook and pen. There’s multiple listings for cars being sold. Plus I know there’s a cheap dealership close to the library I spend hours at. I’ve looked out the window at the cars there more than once. I should probably just go there instead of meeting someone I don’t know in Cedar Bay or the surrounding area. Especially if I plan on losing Ghost and Brick so they don’t know what I’m up to. I’m sure I can ask Venom for another day off to finish preparing to leave town.

With nothing more to do out in town, I stop quickly at the diner to pick up my lunch before heading back to the clubhouse. I don’t talk to anyone as I make my way to my room and lock myself inside. The only time I sit down is when I eat the grilled ham and cheese sandwich and drink the milkshake I got for lunch today. The second I’m done, I get busy packing up what little stuff I have with me. Once again, I go through every piece of clothing, my bags, and anything else I can think of to make sure there aren’t any more trackers my mother can use to locate me once I leave Cedar Bay. I’m tired of living my life for that bitch and letting her have the upper hand when she’s nothing but a manipulative bitch.

It takes me hours to go through everything in my room because I take my time. I’m not about to risk missing something because I rushed through checking for a tracker. I’ve done that too many times already. So, I check every single inch of fabric, every inch of my shoes, and almost completely pull my bags apart to check them. After making sure to the best of my ability there aren’t any more trackers, I pack everything in my bags instead of the drawers and closet they’ve been in.

The last thing I do is count the money I’ve made from the garage so far along with the money I pulled from the ATMs that night with Ghost and Brick. Other than the small amount I’ve spent, there’s a good chunk of money I’ve saved up. It will be used to help me along the way as I leave Cedar Bay behind and try to find somewhere else to start my life over. I don’t plan on running for the rest of my life, but until my mother and Nolan are taken care of, I really don’t have a choice in the matter. They won’t rest until they get me back and that’s not something I’m going to allow to happen. I also won’t allow the kids and women of this club to be tormented because I chose to stay in Cedar Bay. They’ve been kind by taking me in and leaving is the only way I can repay them for their kindness.

Chapter Ten


TODAY IS ANOTHER day I’m working at the garage. Riggs needed to take care of some personal shit and I was asked to fill in for him. Thankfully it’s not his day to cover towing because I hate that shit. Though, the way they have it set up now, I can’t say that I’d still feel the same. Autumn has it so the guy covering the tow truck can still work in the shop unless they get a call out. That might not be so bad, but I still loathe doing that shit. I don’t like working with people who are entitled or believe we need to work around their schedule regardless of if we’re on another call or anything else. Bunch of fucking assholes if you ask me. Unless it’s one of the calls where it’s a lone female who’s crying because they weren’t expecting something to happen to their vehicle. I can’t stand an emotional female because I really don’t know how to comfort them. Not women I don’t know at any rate. The ol’ ladies of the club are different because they’re family and we all do what we can for them.

Autumn has remained in the office. Every single time the door opens, I look at her and find her busy as hell but with a smile on her face. There’s something going on with her though. She’s even more distant than before and hasn’t been going to the library when she gets out of work or anything. I’m not saying she stays at the clubhouse, because she doesn’t. However, she’s given Ghost and me the slip more times than I can count over the last few days and it’s frustrating as fuck. Venom knows all about it and has added some Prospects to her detail, but even they can’t keep up with her. I have no clue how she learned to get away from us, but she has. Autumn is keeping secrets and that’s never a good thing. It’s something I hate more than working the tow truck.

“Have you guys figured out anythin’ with Autumn?” Venom asks since there’s only club members in the shop.

“Nope. We’ve done everythin’ we can think of and she still manages to get away from us. I’ve even stayed outside most of the night once or twice and she’s still managed to get away from me,” I answer him while looking up at Ghost in his bay as he pauses his work.

“We need to figure out a way to find out what’s goin’ on with her. Somethin’ happened in the last few days to make her change. She hasn’t even been cleanin’ or helpin’ the ol’ ladies out in the clubhouse again. I don’t really give a fuck about that, but she started doin’ shit and suddenly stopped. It doesn’t make sense. Do you think we can get Quinn to talk to her?” Venom questions me as I realize my sister might be the one person who can get through to Autumn.

“It’s worth a try. I don’t know when Quinn will have the time though. She’s got a lot goin’ on because they heard the baby might be able to come home in a week or so. He’s doin’ really good and they’ve weaned him off all the medicine and medical equipment he’s been on so far,” I answer Venom as I smile at the thought of a new little one joining our family. My nephew.

“Talk to her and see if she can find five minutes or so to have a conversation with Autumn. The more we know about what’s goin’ on with her, the easier we can help her. I have a feelin’ she’s been hidin’ somethin’ from us since she got here. Nothin’ bad, but she’s got a way for her mother to contact her or somethin’. Maybe that’s what we’re missin’. I know she has a phone, but she said it’s dead and the charger isn’t workin’. She could’ve gotten a new charger and has access to her phone. That could be a way for her mother to not only contact her but to track her location as well,” Venom says, thinking out loud as he tries to figure this shit out.

No one gets a chance to respond as the door between the shop and office opens to reveal Autumn standing there. She looks around before making her way over to Venom. I don’t even pretend not to listen to what’s being said between the two of them.

“I’m going to head out and grab lunch. I called in our order a while ago and it should be ready by now. Haley said it was busy, but it’s still been enough time,” Autumn tells Venom as I look at the clock and realize it is lunch time. I didn’t even realize that much time had passed already today.

“Okay. Take the shop card and use that to pay. Do you still need to stop at the bank for change?” he returns, wiping his hands down as he follows her out of the shop and into the office.

“Yeah. I’ve got everything ready to go there first. I’ll be back as quickly as I can,” she answers as the door shuts behind them.

Venom will cover the office while she’s gone. One of the guys covers her if she leaves for any reason. Especially going to get lunch for everyone. There’s no point in having someone deliver it because we already pay a tip and more often than not, lunch is ordered from Haley’s diner. Unless the ol’ ladies make us something to bring to the shop that is. It doesn’t happen often, but they’ve been known to make each of the businesses the club owns a huge meal for lunch and send it in with one of the guys. If we don’t have either one of those options, we usually order subs from the Pit Stop. Goose makes them for us because he knows we don’t want a lot of people touching our food. You can’t ever be too sure with that shit.

Anyway, I decide to open my bay door since it’s getting pretty fucking warm out here. We don’t turn on the fans unless we absolutely have to and today it’s not needed. Opening the bay doors will let the breeze in though. As I go to turn back to the car I have in my bay, a high end car pulls in the parking lot. I watch it park right in front of the door and the driver shuts the engine off. She doesn’t hesitate to get out and look over the garage with her nose stuck in the air like the entitled bitch she is. This is the kind of person I can’t fucking stand and I have a bad feeling she’s about to bring a world of shit to us today.

“Can I help you?” I ask, stepping just out of my bay and not any closer to her.

“No. I’m here for my daughter and that doesn’t concern you,” she sneers at me while looking me up and down with a disgusted look on her face.

“Who’s your daughter? We don’t have many women workin’ here,” I tell her with a small smile on my face as if I’m a nice guy who gives a shit about what she thinks or feels right now.

“Autumn Connors is my daughter and she won’t be working here any longer. You have taken more than enough from her and I’m about to put a stop to it,” she says, her voice cold and uncaring as she talks about her daughter.

“Autumn’s not here. You can go in the office, but you’ll find a guy behind the desk. I’m sorry you made the trip here for no reason,” I tell her, giving a sneer of my own to the bitch.

“Like I’d believe anything you have to say. You’re nothing more than an uneducated neanderthal who is probably holding my daughter hostage in an attempt to get money from me,” she says, keeping her hand on the handle of her car door for a quick escape.
