Page 22 of Unplanned

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“Autumn, what the fuck is goin’ on with you?” I bark out, my words harsher than I meant for them to be.

“Go away, Ghost. I don’t want, or need, you here with me. There’s no reason for you to even be here. Otter and Bull know where I am along with Venom. I’m not pulling a fucking runner or whatever else you have going on in your mind. Get away from me,” she says, her voice hoarse from getting sick.

“I’m not gonna just leave you here when you’re sick as fuck, Autumn. This shit is ridiculous. What the fuck did they say at the clinic yesterday?” I question her, waiting for her response as she gets sick once again.

I stand at her back awkwardly because her hair is pulled back and there’s nothing for me to do. I’m literally not needed here. However, I can’t just leave her alone when she’s so sick. Anyone could come up on her and no one would ever know. Especially since Otter and Bull aren’t here with her. I don’t know why Venom let her come out without them following her. However I wasn’t expecting her to tell me those three know where she is and that they let her out alone. That’s news to me. I’m not the President of the club though, so this information doesn’t matter to me.

“Go. Away,” Autumn says after several more minutes of her getting sick.

I don’t move until she stands from her hunched over position. Stepping back, I give her enough room to move around the area she was just sick in. Part of me still wants to comfort her and take away this pain I see covering her, but I’m still too pissed about her lying to even make a move toward her.

“Let’s go. Follow me to Doc’s office. The clinic obviously did nothin’ to help you. I’m not givin’ you a choice in the fuckin’ matter, Autumn. You could seriously have somethin’ wrong with you and need to go to the hospital. The only choice you can make is if you go to the office or clubhouse,” I tell her, not letting her get too far from me as she heads for her car.

For the first time since pulling up, I take in Autumn’s appearance. She’s been gaining weight with regular meals and it’s clear to see she’s now losing what little bit she’s gained. Her body is covered in sweat and pieces of hair stick to her face and neck. Autumn’s skin is whiter than white she’s so pale. The last thing I notice is the way she’s swaying on her feet as she slowly makes her way to her car. This woman can hardly hold her fucking head up. There’s no way in fuck I’m letting her get too far without Doc coming in to see her.

“I’m going back to the clubhouse. Do whatever you feel you have to, Ghost. I don’t have the energy to argue with you about anything,” she says, getting in her car as I pull out my phone and make a call to Doc.

Filling Doc in on what’s going on with Autumn, she assures me she’s on her way to the clubhouse. At the rate Autumn’s moving, I’m sure she’ll make it there before we do. Straddling my bike, I keep my eyes locked on Autumn as she moves in her car before starting the engine.

“Brick, meet me outside the clubhouse. We might have to help Autumn inside. I found her at the bay gettin’ sick again and she can hardly stand on her own two feet. I know you’re pissed as fuck at her. I am too. Right now, she needs help. Somethin’ is seriously wrong with her,” I rush out my words the second Brick answers his phone so he doesn’t have a chance to say anything in response.

I don’t wait for him to say a word as I hang up and slowly follow Autumn back to the clubhouse. We’re literally less than a minute away but the drive takes much longer with how slow she’s got her car moving. If we weren’t so close, I wouldn’t let her drive at all. However, there’s typically no traffic on this road this time of year and it’s a straight shot to the clubhouse. Autumn finally pulls into the parking lot and we’re met by a group of people as she parks halfway in her spot and half out of it. I ride my bike up to where we park and take my spot in line. Brick rushes to my side while Quinn, Steel, Tank, and Harley make their way over to Autumn’s car. Quinn has her door open before I can tell Brick anything. Though, I do note the look of concern on his face as he switches his attention toward Autumn as Steel and Tank help her out of the driver’s seat.

In seconds, Tank has her almost limp body in his arms and is carrying her toward the clubhouse. Everyone is rushing in front of him as he takes her inside and I watch Doc pull into the parking lot. She pulls up right by the door as normal and quickly gets out of her car.

“Ghost, where is she?” she questions me, her voice laced with concern as she ducks inside to grab her bag.

“Tank just carried her inside. I’ve never seen her like this, Doc. She was swayin’ on her feet, covered in sweat, gettin’ violently ill, and can hardly speak her voice is so hoarse. She’s so fuckin’ white I can see her veins, Doc,” I tell her as the three of us make our way in the clubhouse and she looks around for Autumn.

“Tank took her to her room. Quinn, Tank, Steel, and Harley are with her,” Venom calls out as he strides into the common room and makes his way over to us. “We need to know if she should be taken to the hospital, Doc. I should’ve paid closer attention to her. This is my fuckin’ fault and I’m gonna make it right.”

Venom doesn’t have a problem admitting when he’s made a mistake. Not lately. There were days when he was younger when you couldn’t get him to apologize or even admit to being wrong for any reason in the world. Now, not only is he taking this shit on his shoulders, but he means it when he says he’ll do anything it takes to make it right. The determination and guilt are written clear as day on his face as he walks right next to Doc on our way to Autumn’s room. There’s almost no room for us to get in there with her as I spot her curled up in the middle of her bed with Quinn on one side and Harley on the other.

“Everyone fuckin’ move. Let Doc in to see Autumn so we can find out what’s goin’ on with her,” Venom says, his voice echoing in the room filled with people but nothing else.

Quinn and Harley get off the bed as I watch Autumn flinch at the harsh, loud tone of Venom’s voice. Doc whispers something to her before looking back at all of us.

“Everyone out. Quinn, you’re welcome to stay if you’d like, but Autumn would like everyone else to wait somewhere else,” Doc informs us as I get pissed.

“You heard her. Let’s go so we can find out what’s goin’ on with her. Autumn, if you give your permission, I’d like to know what’s goin’ on when Doc is done examinin’ you. Don’t feel as if you have to give her consent to talk to me, but I’d like to know so we can figure out the best decision to help you movin’ forward,” Venom says before he forces Brick and I from the room.

Quinn chooses to stay with Autumn as Doc closes the door behind us. None of us move far from her door as we wait to find out what’s going on. I don’t bring my eyes up to look at Steel or Tank. Tank showing up here is a surprise because I had no clue he was planning on coming down. Not that the parents ever need to tell us in advance about a visit they’re planning here. We always welcome them with open arms.

“You think you’re about to get an ass chewin’ from Steel, you got another thing comin’,” Tank says, his voice barely above a whisper so no one else hears him. “That girl is goin’ through hell and all of you are doin’ nothin’ but addin’ to it. Steel was right. We sure as fuck raised you better than this shit. Not only is Autumn welcome to go back to Dander Falls with Steel and Harley, Grim made sure I came to find out what’s goin’ on and extend an invitation for her to go to Clifton Falls as well. She’ll always be welcome in either clubhouse regardless of what you fuckers say or think. I’ve done my own fuckin’ research and none of you have a fuckin’ clue what you’ve done to that girl. Of how much she’s been hurt in the past by the ones who were supposed to fuckin’ love and care for her. Fuck you all!”

Tank takes off down the hall and I can’t stop the shock from filling me. The triplets’ dad does have a temper and we’ve all seen it. Yes, it takes a lot for him to get to the point he is now. And it’s never a good idea to be on that bad side of him. Now, we’ve all made it to that side of his anger and I’m not a fan of it. Tank has a way of threatening you without actually saying a single word about hurting you or anything else. I feel as if I’m a child again and have been thoroughly chastised by a man I’ve looked up to my entire life.

Doc and Quinn have been in with Autumn for a while now. We’re all still outside of her room with the exception of Tank. He took off and we haven’t seen him since. No one’s come down this hall as we all wait to find out how sick Autumn really is. Guilt fills me at what I’ve said to Autumn and how I’ve treated her since she got her. Yes, I’ve been good to her a few times, but for the most part, I’ve ignored her, left her alone, and treated her like the villain in this story when that’s not the case. At least based on what Tank just growled out.

Finally the door of Autumn’s room opens and Doc steps out. She doesn’t shut the door behind her as I shift my position so I can look inside the room. Autumn is sitting against a pile of pillows on her bed. Her head is down and I can hear her crying from here. Quinn has her arm wrapped around Autumn’s shoulders as her entire body trembles and shakes with the force of her sobs. About the same time, Tank shows up and waits to hear what’s going on. The anger still coursing through his body still evident in his body language and face as he looks at us.

“Autumn gave me permission to tell you what’s going on with her. There’s a very good reason why she’s sick. At this point in time, she doesn’t need to go to the hospital. I’m hoping the medicine I’ve brought with me and given her will help resolve what she’s going through. At least the symptoms. What you need to know moving forward is she is to be under no amount of stress and to be given the space she wants and needs. If you can’t accept her and what’s going on, you need to remain far away from her. That’s an order from me as her doctor,” Doc states, looking at Brick and me instead of anyone else.

A horrible feeling fills my gut and I know without a doubt that our lives are about to fucking change. I’m thinking it’s about to change for the worse instead of making anything better.

“What’s going on with her, Doc?” Venom asks, concern filling his face again.

“She’s pregnant. When you’ve seen her getting sick, it’s morning sickness. As most of you know, it doesn’t just happen in the morning, but anytime of the day. I’m going to be keeping a close eye on her pregnancy moving forward to ensure she doesn’t get to the point she needs to go to the hospital. Autumn is in shock right now and doesn’t want to see Brick or Ghost at all. Eventually she’ll talk to you both, but today isn’t the time,” Doc says as rage fills me.

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