Page 4 of Unplanned

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VENOM LET US know Brick was bringing in a tow. The woman’s car won’t start and she’s not sure of the problem. I’ve already finished the bike I was working on for the day, so I offered to take a look at it as soon as he gets here. I’m already bored as fuck here at the garage today and don’t want to spend my days helping the other guys or twiddling my fucking thumbs while I wait for another vehicle to be brought in. I really want to have a custom bike to work on, but Venom is working on planning one for a large company. We were asked not to start any new projects because this one will be all hands on deck as soon as everything gets approved. So, it’s a waiting game.

Or maybe it’s just me. I’ve been so fucking restless the last few months and only Brick knows how I’ve been feeling. He’s my best friend and I had to let him know where the fuck my head is because we share girls and I don’t know if that’s something I can continue to do moving forward. The two of us want very different things in life now. I want an ol’ lady. Someone I can settle down with and come home to at the end of each day. Brick wants to live his life with no attachments and no family of his own. I’m all for supporting my best friend having the life he wants, but I can’t continue to share girls with him knowing I want to find an ol’ lady and have kids.

At the age of twenty-four, I feel old as fuck. I don’t drink on a regular basis like I used to and everything seems so mundane and boring. If I could get on my bike and simply ride off without a second thought of the club or anything else, I would. However, that’s not how my life is. I’ve pledged myself to the Wild Kings and that’s where I’ll stay. These men are my brothers and every one of the ol’ ladies are my family. Hell, my dad has been a member of the Wild Kings for most of his life.

My dad is Shadow. He’s a member of the Dander Falls chapter of the Wild Kings. I grew up knowing I wanted to follow in his footsteps by joining the club. At the time, I never believed we’d be moving to Cedar Bay. Though, it really doesn’t make a difference to me where I am. I know at the end of the day my dad is always just a phone call away. Plus, I have my brother here with me. Bull is my blood brother and I’m thankful he’s here. Still, he doesn’t know how I’ve been feeling about life lately. I’m too fucking restless to sit down and talk to him about it. I miss my mom, Renee, is the only other one I’d talk to about this kind of stuff, but I don’t see the point in talking to her about this because she’ll just tell me to come home.

Bull might not be my full blood brother, but I don’t count that shit. In every single way I count Bull as my brother and always will. We also have a sister named Kinsliegh. She’s off doing her own thing and I’m glad she’s living her life the way she wants. The last time I talked to her, she let us know she was expecting her first baby and was loving the married life. She has what I fucking want. Bull has what I want with Viking and Haley. Both of my siblings are living the life I want to have and I don’t know what to do about getting my happily ever after. Not without leaving my best friend behind to live his life as he chooses. I’m just not sure he’s completely satisfied.

The beeping of the tow truck backing up brings me out of my head. I seem to have that happening a lot lately—getting lost in my head as I try to figure out how to be happy and not leave Brick behind.

“You sure you got this, Ghost?” Venom asks me, walking up from the office where he’s been holed up lately since we don’t have an office person.

“I got this. Just a bit bored today since I finished the bike,” I answer him while watching Brick expertly back into my bay just enough to unload the car.

He doesn’t shut the truck off as he gets out and shuts the door behind him after saying a few words to his passenger. I watch as my best friend makes his way to the back of the truck and begins to release everything securing the car. Venom and I watch him together as he doesn’t make a mistake or take his time releasing the car and lowering it to the floor of my bay. It’s in the perfect spot so I can raise it up if I have to or leave it on the floor while I try to figure out what the problem is.

Stepping closer to the car, I find the backseat packed with bags and small boxes. It appears to me as if the owner is living out of her car with the way everything is neatly stacked. Especially the pillows and blankets. These aren’t items you normally find in a car unless someone is going camping or moving. Maybe she’s in the middle of moving.

“You got the keys?” I ask Brick as he goes to move the tow truck out of my bay.

“I’ll get them from Autumn. Venom need to have a word with you as soon as I park. Autumn and I do,” my best friend says, making his way back to the driver’s door and climbing inside before closing the door behind him.

Call me intrigued. I’m interested in learning what Brick has to talk to Venom about. And that he’s bringing some person we know nothing about into the conversation. This is very unusual behavior for my best friend, and something I’m about to get to the bottom of. Though, when I spot him helping the passenger out of the truck, I don’t have to wonder too long about his change of behavior.

Brick is helping the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen out of the truck. She barely comes to his chest as I take in the differences between the two of them. Her long as fuck long golden blonde hair shimmers in the sunlight as she keeps her face averted toward the ground. I notice she’s not wearing a coat and her clothes are thin as hell. They can’t be keeping her warm at all. Looking in the car again, I don’t see a coat anywhere among the possessions she’s got inside. Unless it’s buried in the trunk where I can’t see it. The other thing I notice is this woman might have curves in all the right places, but she has definitely been lacking in food. She hasn’t eaten a full meal, or hardly any food at all in a long time if I had to guess. It’s in the gaunt hollows of her cheeks and the paleness of her skin. There are definitely signs of her malnutrition.

He quickly leads her into the garage where Venom is still waiting for him.

“Um, can I get my bag out of the car before you start working on it? The keys are in there,” she asks, her soft, melodic voice washing over me and making goosebumps break out over my skin.

“Of course you can,” I tell her as I take in Brick’s hand on her lower back.

These definitely aren’t the actions of my best friend and it’s interesting to say the least. However, I know one thing about the guy I call my best friend that most others don’t. The man doesn’t trust anyone. The club members and ol’ ladies are the only exception to that rule. This woman might have his attention for right now, she doesn’t have his trust though. He’s simply doing what he has to do in order to get into her pants. This girl is someone he wants to fuck and more than likely share with me.

I watch as the girl leans in her car to the passenger seat to gather up what she needs. Her ass is on full display as I lean forward to take it in. This woman’s ass is plump and perfect as her jeans seem to stretch even tighter against her skin. They definitely leave nothing to the imagination as I look from the curve of her ass up her back, and watch as her shirt gaps in the front. If I were a different kind of man, I’d lower my body in order to get the first glimpse of her chest through the opening of her shirt as she leans over.

“Ghost, you okay?” Venom asks me, his voice full of laughter.

“I’m good,” I grit out, my voice low and growly as I think of this girl’s body and how I want to get my fucking hands on her. The things I’d do to her.

“Venom, this is Autumn. We need to talk to you about somethin’ in private,” Brick says as Autumn holds out a trembling hand toward me with her keys.

“Thanks, sweetheart. Can you let me know what was goin’ on before you leave with them?” I ask her, needing to know what I’m looking for.

“It made a clicking noise, but wouldn’t start. It’s the first time it’s ever happened. I just had to replace two of the tires and I’m not sure what I did wrong to make this happen,” she says, her voice wavering as tears fill her eyes.

This woman has the brightest blue eyes I’ve ever seen in my life. They are so light and clear minus the redness from holding her tears back. I’d say they’re a pale blue and I could spend hours looking into them. Her eyes are also larger than normal. It makes her appear so damn innocent. I want to dirty her up and take the innocence from her. Fuck!

“Okay. I might know what’s goin’ on. I’m Ghost, by the way and I’ll be workin’ on your car,” I tell her, needing to know her name.

“I’m, um, Autumn,” she returns, looking at the floor at her feet instead of me.

Brick once again puts his hand on her lower back and leads her toward the main office where customers are helped. I don’t take my attention off her until she disappears behind the door that separates the office from the garage. We can’t have all the noise from the bays and work being done when we’re trying to take care of customers. Plus, the smell can be horrendous when we’re painting even though we’ve taken precautions to prevent the fumes from spreading beyond the paint booth.

With Autumn gone, I turn my attention back to her car. This sounds like the alternator or starter. Both should be easy fixes, but I won’t know if there’s anything else wrong with the car that led up to the problem. Getting in the driver’s seat, I pop the hood and try to start the engine for myself to make sure she told us the right problem. Sure enough, I hear the clicking she said she heard and nothing else. Taking the keys out of the ignition, I pocket them so they don’t accidentally get locked in the car. Yes, it’s happened before to us and it’s a pain in the fucking ass to break in and get the keys out again. So, we all pocket the keys while we’re working and then leave them in a locked case when we close shop for the night.

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