Page 39 of The Worst Mate Ever

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The moment we reached the clinic, I was guided into a private room to fill out paperwork as I waited for the crones to come in and examine me. We were informed of a brief delay, but I would be attended to before the end of the day.

The clinic ran on walk-ins, so it was reasonable that there would be a wait. The fact that I was being seen this late in the day at all was a miracle, especially with the light casting long shadows on the wall. According to Diana, when she brought Liberty to the crones, they had to arrive early and spend the entire morning waiting in line.

That had been before the clinic was built. Back when the crones ran a tent in the city center garden.

They were registered as a holistic medical center and even treated humans who found the holistic treatment to be trendy. That being said, I had to fall into a bit of a queue to keep their practice fair to the rest of those who had been waiting for hours to be seen.

“Have you completed the paperwork?” she inquired, growing increasingly impatient. As the crone’s assistant entered the room, her arms were filled with bottles containing an assortment of herbs and oils. While organizing the storage area, she took out the empty bottles and replaced them with the newly refilled ones in the cabinet.

“Yes, it’s all completed,” I replied, extending the filled-out forms towards her.

She approached with a grace that seemed almost ethereal, taking the paperwork from my hands. As she meticulously reviewed each page.

“Oh, you’re from San Diego? I suppose you know Paige Ramirez, then?” she asked as she looked up at me with a tilt of her head.

“Paige? You know her?” Her casual inquiry took me by surprise.

She shrugged. “Well, yeah, she went to the Magick Academy’s summer program with my sister, Grace. So, I know of her. We also share a similar gift.”

She continued to scan through my paperwork and frowned again. “You’re staying with the Rigel Pack’s beta family? So that’s why that old lady made the call here demanding that you be seen right away?”

“You mean Alma? Yeah, I was staying with them. I came here for their beta training, but then I found my mate, so I’m the pack’s gamma now.” I answered. “Why does that matter, though?”

In a gesture of disgust, she wrinkled her nose and shook her head. “It doesn’t. Just double checking over your paperwork. And your mate? Will he be joining you today?”

“He’s not available,” I explained. “He’s busy with back-to-back meetings and does not know I’m here. His mom brought me in, though.”

Her eyes locked onto mine, widening slightly in surprise. “Alma?”

“No, Alma just made the call. Luna Diana brought me in,” I answered truthfully.

“Oh,” she exclaimed, flipping back to the front of the paperwork and furrowing her brows. “You’re Brady’s mate. Okay then, the crones will be in to see you shortly.”

With that, she departed, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Seizing the moment, I decided to message Paige. I pulled out my phone and sent the message.

Me: Guess who I ran into?

Paige: Who?

Me: Grace’s sister.

Paige: Which one?

Realizing the oversight, I frowned, my gaze fixed on the door through which the assistant had left. She hadn’t told me her name. All she really did was go over my paperwork with a bit of an attitude, as if the work was beneath her somehow.

Me: How many sisters does she have?

Paige: Enough to have made up their own little coven if they wanted to. LOL.

Me: She didn’t mention her name, just that she shared a gift with you. She was also kind of a bitch, but that could just be me.

Paige: Sounds like Anastasia, and no, it’s not just you. That’s just her way. Wait, where are you?

I was on the verge of replying to Paige when an unexpected knock interrupted, heralding the arrival of three venerable women who entered, with Anastasia trailing behind them.

“Hello, my dear,” the first crone said with a smile. “I understand that you might be expecting a pup.”

“So exciting. Another hybrid baby. This one is the child of the coven.” The third crone to enter cheered.
