Page 37 of Lust For

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I feel like I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. Like I’m waiting for him to tell me no, he’s not putting his relationship with Aiden and the band on hold. This is more than me just being his best friend’s little sister. This is his bandmate’s sister and his livelihood that we’re both screwing with.

“I think I am. Because why the fuck not?”

I’m not sure I like that response. Makes it sound like he was bored or just wanted to see what it would take to fuck Aiden’s little sister. Apparently, it doesn’t take much.

“Don’t look like that,” he says. “I get tired of people telling me where I can and cannot go. I get tired of people designing my life. I get tired of people telling me that I need to pretend to date someone so that a single will go well. I want to take some control, and you”—he cradles my face in his hands—“seemed like the perfect place to start.”

I nod in understanding. I’m not sure what to say to that. Derek is a lot of things, but the biggest thing I’m finding is that he’s so unexpected. In all my wildest dreams, this was never how I thought he would talk to me. I never expected him to be so open and honest with me. He plays the role of the moody rocker very well, but that must be all it is—an act.

I lean over and close the distance between us, brushing our lips together ever so slightly. I pull back just as quickly as I pulled in. “You didn’t wear a hat today, so I better not get too lovey with you,” I tease.

He nods, not saying a word.

“Let’s go for a run,” I tell him and take off down the beach.

We run on the sand down by the water, where the tide came up and made the sand hard, making our run a little easier. Sometimes when I’m trying to give my legs a serious workout, I’ll run where the sand isn’t quite as packed. But today, I want to take it easy on Derek, because if memory serves, he’s not a runner. We make it all the way down to a pier before he’s signaling me that he needs a break.

“Jesus, woman,” he pants out. “How in the hell are you just jogging along like nothing is happening?”

I laugh. “I’m in shape.”

“Fuck,” he screams up at the sky. “I thought I was too, but it’s like you’re trying to kill me. How far was that?”

I look at my smartwatch. “Only two miles.”

“Only two miles,” he says, mocking my voice. “Fuck you. That was hard.” He lets out a laugh and continues to attempt to catch his breath.

“Put your hands above your head and breathe in and out slowly. Stop gasping for breath. It’s not going to help you catch it any faster.”

I lean against the pier as he moves around, attempting to calm his breathing. The tattoos on his body are on full display. I didn’t get the chance to examine them that closely last night; he was behind me most of the time. I smile thinking back to it all. I never thought I would be one to like doggy style, but there was something about fucking Derek that way… It was so primal, so dirty, and very much needed.

“See something you like?” he asks, breaking me out of my trance.

“As a matter of fact…” I make my way over to him.

He chuckles. “You’re insatiable.”

“Only when it comes to you.”

“Well, you might get to go for another round. That is, if you don’t kill me first.”

“We’re not done yet. We have some body weight work to do. Or at least I do. I have some filming.”

“Work stuff, huh?”

I nod in confirmation. I wait for the witty comeback about it not being real work, but then I remember I’m with Derek and he doesn’t judge like some guys do. “Do you want to be in the clips as someone I’m training with?”

“Sure, just don’t make me look so old and out of shape. Fuck, I’m only a year older than you and I feel like I could die.”

“How much cardio do you normally do?” I call as he works out. His body is all hard lines, toned arms, and sculpted legs. That body was made from hard work.

“Well…” He wiggles his eyebrows at me suggestively.

“Are you telling me that sex is your only cardio?” The admission makes me take a step back. I’m not sure that I like that the only form of cardio he does is fucking other women.

“No, but you should see your face.”

“Asshole,” I say, pushing his shoulder.
