Page 45 of Lust For

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She nods. “Looks nice, honey.”

I figured she would have no issues with it. Neither would my father. My brother is covered in tattoos, and she has never said a word about it. My parents have always been very accepting, which makes me wonder what they would think about me sleeping with Derek. I look over and he gives me a slight shake of his head, like he can read my mind. A little piece of me dies inside, knowing that Derek will never want to tell my parents and Aiden what’s happening between us. The judgment of my parents and the stakes with my brother are just too high.

“This is so nice having everyone under one roof. I love it,” Mom says.

I walk over and pull her in for a side hug. “It will be nice to have everyone together.”

“Do you know what we should do?” Aiden asks, looking around at everyone with excited eyes. When no one answers him, he just says it. “Let’s have a bonfire like we use to for the Fourth.”

“The Fourth is long gone, man,” Derek reminds him.

“Dude, I know that. But I thought this would be a good time for it. We’re all here. How often is this going to happen?”

“Sounds like fun.”

“Yeah, man. Whatever you want to do,” Brent says, slapping him on the back.

As far as Brent and Aiden know, this is just a trip that will mark the last time we’re all together in the house. But it’s more than that. I’m not sure when my parents are planning on spilling the beans, but I know they will. And it will crush Aiden. It will also make the writing sessions that the band has planned a little harder. I make a mental note to remind Derek of that. I can’t stop my parents from telling him, though. They need to. Aiden spends all his time in LA, so this is their chance to tell him in person. It’s just a shame that Aiden may not be in the right frame of mind for working. Or who knows, if Derek has some angry songs worked out, it might work for them. He was overly moody before we hooked up.

“Sounds like a good time, son,” Dad says. He looks over at my mom, and they have a conversation with their eyes.

I saw them do it a million times when Aiden and I used to ask for permission for things when we were younger. They were always trying to figure out how to answer and make sure they were on the same page. Now I wonder if they’re thinking that this bonfire will be the best place to tell Aiden. They may as well do it in front of everyone. Derek knows. I consider telling Mom and Dad that, when Emma comes barreling into the house.

“What’s up, party people?” she shouts.

I laugh and make my way over to her.

“Hi, Emma. It’s so good to see you.” My mom follows me over, Dad trailing after her.

Emma, my little sprite of a friend, is much shorter than me. She’s barely five feet tall to my five-six frame. We’re polar opposites on looks.

“I’ve missed you.” She pulls me into a hug.

“You too, sunshine,” I say, giving her a big squeeze.

“This is a nice surprise,” Derek says, making his way over to say hello, while Brent just waves from his spot on the couch.

I notice Aiden is staying away from her. I know he’s figured out over the years that she has a crush on him. She’s never too out there with it—only stolen glances when she’s pretty sure he’s not looking, or a derogatory comment here and there. But nothing he can’t handle.

“Sorry to spring this one on you all,” Emma says. “But I thought I’d come in and hang out with everyone one last time in this house.”

“I’m so glad you did,” I tell her, leading her further into the house. “It’ll be nice to have you here.”

“Absolutely. I love having all of you kids together in one house.” My mom hugs Emma and turns to my father. “This will be a great way to say goodbye to the house.”

“Do you two think you’ll be putting it on the market soon?” Aiden asks.

“I think so,” Mom replies. “As soon as it’s done being cleaned up and cleaned out.”

Derek shakes his head. I know he has feelings about this being placed on my shoulders. It’s clear from the way he’s called me the ‘dutiful daughter’ on more than one occasion.

“I’m working on it, Mom,” I tell her. “But now, with everyone here, maybe Aiden can do his room and the guys can chip in a bit. I have to head to LA in about two weeks. I have a shoot to do.”

“Well, let’s hope it’s done by then,” Mom replies. I know she doesn’t mean anything by it, but it burns me the wrong way. Same with Derek.

“I’ll be of more help, Aud,” he says. “I wanna see you get this done so you can take care of the things you need to do.”

“Totally. I’ll help too,” Aiden replies.
