Page 46 of Lust For

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I just nod in their direction, my way of saying thanks. But I think to myself that if this is done, then Derek will go back to LA, and I won’t see him anymore. We haven’t talked about what will happen when we leave this house. And the answer might be nothing.

That’s why I haven’t asked the question; I’m not ready for the answer.


The sun has fallen, and the air has gotten a little cooler. But it’s still a warm summer night. I bask in the glow of the fire as the boys make it just right. I look up and catch a glimpse of one of the dancing flames against the backdrop of the starry night. It takes me back to the last time I saw fire in the sky. I smile at the thought. Looking over, I see Derek is watching me. I wonder if he’s thinking the same thing I am.

What I wouldn’t give to be able to go over to him right now, place my arms around his waist, and pull him near me. But it would raise too many questions, and Aiden would surely punch him in the face. I don’t want any harm to come to him. It’s been slightly frustrating. There hasn’t been any time for us to sneak away. He’s been talking a lot with the band in Aiden’s room. When we all had pizza on the deck, he didn’t come near. But that didn’t stop us from watching each other. I think the only one who noticed was Emma, and that’s because watching us has become her new favorite pastime. I think even more than watching my brother.

“So, are you two gonna get some sexy time while everyone’s here?” she asks me in a low voice.

I flush and look back over at him. He winks at me, and Emma squeals.

“Could you please just chill?” I reprimand her quietly. “You’re going to get us caught.”

She snickers. “I’m sorry, but Goddamn, the looks he’s giving you. How has Ace not noticed all of this?”

I shake my head. “Probably because he doesn’t think Derek would be stupid enough to touch his sister.”

“Thank fuck that he was because damn, girl, it’s been forever since you’ve gotten some action. Were there cobwebs growing down there? Were you trimmed and ready?” She lets out a fit of giggles at her own jokes.

I give her a shove, almost sending her off the bench we’re sitting on. “Knock it off. Yeah, I was ready for him.”

“Oh, I like how dirty that sounds. So, you never have told me, is he good? Because he looks like he’d be good.”

I clench my thighs together to fight off the wave of desire that has bubbled up from watching him. He’s standing in front of the fire, poking at it with a stick to keep it going. The flames are dancing off his dark features, and it’s making him look so sexy and forbidden. I want a taste.

“I think that look on your face is my answer,” Emma says and laughs at me. “Would you like to take a dip in the ocean to cool yourself off? Take a moment to yourself to freshen up the downstairs?” Emma finds herself hysterical and is cackling now.

“What’s so funny?” Aiden asks, coming over to us.

“Nothing,” I reply a little too quickly.

“Was she making comments about me again?” Aiden asks. Sometimes I think he enjoys the little bits of attention he gets from Emma. It gives him a much-needed ego boost.

I swat him playfully. “You know not every interaction we have is about you.”

“Should be.” He shoots Emma a wink before walking away.

She just sighs and runs a hand through her blonde shoulder-length hair. “I wish he wouldn’t play with me like that. Makes me want to mount him.”

“Oh, I know you do. Everyone knows you do.”

“Even your parents?”

I shrug. “Maybe to some degree.”

Emma sighs, looking sad that she might be the butt of jokes sometimes because she hasn’t been very subtle with her attraction to my brother.

“They look so happy over there,” I remark, drawing her attention to something else. My parents are seated on a bench across from us. They’re sitting so close, talking in low, hushed tones. I’m pretty sure it’s not about my dad and the fact that he’s sick, because they’re smiling and holding hands. “I want that,” I admit.

“Think you’ll ever have that with Derek?” Emma asks me.

I shake my head and turn to her. “No. Even if Aiden knew, I’m not sure he’s the type to want to hold someone for the rest of his life, you know? Too many wild oats to sow out there on the road.”

“He just might surprise you.” Emma gets up and heads over to the cooler the guys dragged out here. It’s got water, beers, and seltzers. She picks up a few drinks and then drops them back in there, so I’m guessing she’s looking for something alcoholic.

I want to do the same, but Derek comes over and drops down beside me.

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