Page 10 of Daydreams of You

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Vanessa woke up to the sound of the faucet in the bathroom running, and she didn’t even have a chance to panic, the memories of last night flooding right back.

Vanessa closed her eyes, her hand on her forehead as she tried to keep herself from grinning.

She could safely say that last night had been one of the most surreal, exhilarating, and magical of her life. She knew it wasn’t real. Not in the sense that this was the start of something. It wasn’t. For so many reasons. But that didn’t mean that she couldn’t dwell on it, on the feeling of being wanted, of having such undeniable chemistry with someone.

Vanessa let out a sigh.

“Hey,” Heather said, coming back into the room. “You’re awake.”

“Hmm.” Vanessa’s eyes fluttered open before she closed them again as she stretched her arms and legs, a dull ache in just about every muscle. “Is it late?” She half sat up, clutching the sheet to her bare chest, a move she always thought ridiculous in movies, but now that she was completely naked in front of someone who was padding around her hotel room in panties and the shirt she’d worn last night, it felt like the only sensible thing to do.

“No,” Heather said as she sat on the edge of the bed. “It’s just after eight, but your phone has been chiming for the last hour. I’m surprised it didn’t wake you. Do you want me to order some breakfast? Or would you prefer to go out?”

Vanessa reached for her phone on the nightstand to see three missed calls and about a dozen texts.


Hey don’t know if you saw my calls but there was a small incident this morning. Everyone’s fine! Don’t worry but we did have to call the fire department.

The alarms were going off and there was smoke everywhere but I managed to use the fire extinguisher. It was a small electrical fire apparently. Some frayed power cord that short-circuited?

I closed the shop. The smell of smoke and the lack of electricity made it an easy decision. I hope it was the right one!

I didn’t want to bother you while you’re away but I figured you’d need to know about this.

Like I said, everything is fine. The fire department checked everything out and they’re recommending an inspection of the whole place.

“Is everything okay?”

Vanessa glanced up from her phone. Heather was staring at her with concern. “No. Well, yes. No one died. But there was a fire at my coffee shop.”

“Shit. When? This morning?”

Vanessa nodded as she bit her lip, scrolling through the texts again. “I have to go back. Get on the next train. I’m so sorry.”

“No. It’s fine. Is everyone okay?”

“Yeah. It sounds like no major damage was done, but there’s a lot of clean up to do I imagine. And I’ll need to get someone in to do an inspection. I was meant to stay another night.”

“Hey…” Heather reached out, her hand warm on Vanessa’s forearm as it slid down to her wrist, her palm gliding over Vanessa’s until their fingers were interlaced. “It’s fine. Really. Of course, I would have liked another night together. Assuming that…”

Vanessa smiled. “Yes. I was hoping you’d spend it with me. I was planning on asking you over breakfast if you had any plans for today, but I don’t even think I should hang around that long.”

Heather nodded. “Okay. I’ll um… I’ll get out of your way.”

Vanessa’s grip tightened on Heather’s hand as she felt her start to pull away. “I have time to kiss you goodbye,” Vanessa said, surprised by the huskiness in her own voice as she pulled Heather on top of her.

Heather settled onto Vanessa’s lap, leaning down to find her lips, kissing her slowly at first, but it wasn’t long before both of them were sighing, their breathing becoming a little ragged as the sheet fell away from Vanessa’s chest, bunched up at her waist now.

Vanessa’s fingers found the buttons on Heather’s silky black top, opening them one by one until the fabric fell apart, and she could sneak a hand inside, her lips parting against Heather’s as she blindly went to cup her breast.

A moan escaped Vanessa’s lips when she met Heather’s incredibly soft skin where she expected to find her lacy bra. Heather sighed into the kiss as Vanessa massaged her breast.

“Fuck,” Heather panted as she pulled away, and Vanessa’s hand fell to her lap. She visibly swallow as her eyes fluttered open. “I don’t want to delay you,” she said with a sigh.

“The thing is,” Vanessa said, her hand sliding into Heather’s underwear, “I think I know how to make you come fast.”
