Page 118 of Let's Play

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Amber was right. Time was running out, and if I didn’t tell him, I’d lose him. We were moving to St. Paul after graduation but to different parts of the city. Evan had a job lined up with a national healthcare company, and I was going to Veterinary school. We might both be in the same city, but we’d still be an hour apart.

We’d eventually start to drift away. It wouldn’t be sudden. First a missed call, then a missed dinner until we were nothing more than Christmas card friends.

I have to tell him now, while there’s still time.

Or I needed to let him go.

Either way, it was now or never. I just still didn’t know which one to choose.



The adrenaline got me through the interviews, the locker room celebration, and even the shower. We’d won. For the first time in Ridder University’s history, the hockey Beavers were going to the finals.

And we were going to take it all.

It took about two hours for the arena party to settle down. But the real party started once the team got to the frat house, where I was heading. I checked my phone to find a lot of congratulatory texts from old friends and family, but I only looked for Josie’s. It had come in about ten minutes after the game ended.

I knew you could do it. Amber wants to wait for M, so I’ll be with her outside. See you then.

That was it, but I didn’t expect anything more. Josie was always to the point. It was one of the reasons why she was my best friend. She told the truth, didn’t coddle me, and never held back if I sucked on the ice. I had no idea how I would’ve made it through college without her.

I felt a hand clamp down on my shoulder. “Let’s go get laid.”

I laughed at T.J before I responded, “Do you ever think about anything other than sex and hockey?”

“Beer. I think about beer.” He grinned and sauntered down the hall. No doubt he’d find a puck bunny waiting for him outside, and if not, one would show up as soon as he got to the party. T.J. looked more like a gangly basketball player than a hockey goalie, but he had game with the ladies.

I shook my head and followed him toward the exit.

“Hey, Evan,” Michael said, falling into step beside me. “Amber and Josie are outside. You’re going to the party, right?”

“Yeah.” I slowed my step, but that only forced me to favor my leg.

“How’s the nob?” he asked, pointing to my knee. Michael was pretty much the only guy other than Wyatt who remembered the cross check in the first period. Their defensemen caught me from behind, and my knee slammed into the boards at an odd angle.

“Thank God for painkillers.” I grinned and patted the prescription bottle in the pocket of my jacket. The trainers wrapped it tight, and it would be okay.

Michael shook his mop full of dark curls. “Surprised they still work for you.”

I laughed at that. I’d taken my beatings over the years, but never anything too serious. Some guys suffered a lot worse than the sprains and strains I dealt with.

“Hey, you remember Alice? You guys hooked up at Christmas?” Michael ducked his head a little.

“I remember every chick I’ve hooked up with, man. I’m not that big of a dog.” I wasn’t T.J. Alice had been sweet and determined. We had a month long fling before Christmas break.

“Yeah, okay, that wasn’t fair. Anyway, I heard she’s looking to get back with you.” He slapped my back. “Just wanted to give you a warning.”

“Great. That didn’t end well, my brother. I don’t think it’s wise.” Alice had slapped me in front of the student union when I told her it wasn’t working for me. I wasn’t even a dick about it.

“Maybe give it a night. You could stand to get laid.” Michael laughed and hustled to the door, letting it slam in my face.

Dick. I shook my head, but not even that smartass comment was ruining tonight. Nothing was.

I pushed the heavy door open and stepped out into the cool April night. The world was full of spring with the promise of summer, and I could taste it as I took a deep breath. A warm breeze rode on the cold air to touch my skin.

Before I knew what was happening, a pair of thin arms wrapped around my neck, and a small body leapt into my arms. Her ankles locked behind my back, and her lips crushed against mine with the force of ownership and possession.

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