Page 163 of Let's Play

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“Just so you know.”

I let him wait a moment longer, just to be difficult, before I gripped his hand and led the way deeper into the treeline. I thought I heard him chuckle as he passed me in two strides, but it may have been the wind.

He guided me through a small copse of trees to a stream that ran through the back of the property.

“This place is a lot bigger than I thought,” I observed.

He hummed softly and sat on the grass beside the water.

“This is my favorite spot. Evie’s cool and lets me come here, even when she and Cody aren’t together.”

“So every other week?” I asked without thinking. Why did I lose my filter around him?

Kane grinned up at me. “They haven’t worked out yet that they’re way better as friends. Sex complicates everything, and they’re too similar for it to work long term.”

“Are you Dr. Phil now? Going to trade the pool for a therapist couch?” I joked as I lowered myself next to him.

“Nah, it’s just something you can see from a mile away. How about you? Any guys in your life?”

I glanced down at my hands with a small shake of my head.

“I’ve always been too focused on the next step to worry about boys. Or parties, for that matter.” I waved a hand behind me at the crowd we had just left. “Anyway, I should be asking you the questions, right?” When I looked around, he felt closer than he had been a moment ago.

“Nope, no guys in my life,” he said.

“Har, har.”

“Actually, I’ve always had this thing for a girl who’s never noticed me.”

His eye contact was too intense. I shifted subtly and tried not to show that the idea of him holding a flame for someone affected me. Maybe Allie was right. I did like him. Damn.

“Lucky girl,” I said, aiming for flippant.

“Really?” he asked, completely confusing me until he grasped my jaw and pressed his lips firmly against mine.


A thrill of excitement ran through me as he brushed his thumb gently against my cheek, our breaths intermingled as the almost chaste kiss continued. Something tickled the back of my mind and I pulled away as the pieces connected.

“Wait. Do you mean you liked me?”

Kane laughed, combing a hand through his hair.

“This is exactly what I mean. Why do you think Cody invited you tonight? I’ve had a thing for you since freshman year. I didn’t think you knew I existed until I found you waiting in the bleachers yesterday.”

The world had officially turned upside down. The captain of the swim team was admitting to liking me. Me? If it had been anyone else, I would have thought it was some cruel trick, but despite what he thought, I had always noticed Kane Bryson, and I knew he wasn’t that kind of person, as much as I would like to believe otherwise.

“I guess I’ve been pretty single-minded about working toward my career since my dad died,” I said, not sure what to make of his admission.

He eased back a little, giving me space, and took my hand.

His palm dwarfed mine as he cradled it, stroking his thumb along mine.

“How old were you when you lost him?”

No one ever asked me about my dad. Mom found it too painful, and everyone else in my life acted like mentioning him might break me. I wanted to talk about him. It reminded me he was once a human being. One that I was going to honor.

“Nine. Although, he got his diagnosis when I was seven. I remember when I was a kid, he’d take me to any sports game that was playing. If there was nothing, we’d find something on the TV. He used to mute the game and we would commentate for fun. When the emphysema stole his voice, I started doing it for him. I owe my love of sports to him.” I smiled softly, thinking of the days when my dad was healthy. When Mom was happy. Not drowning in the medical bills she was still trying to pay off.
