Page 47 of Let's Play

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After I deliver their food, I walk around wiping down the tables trying to ignore their conversation. They do this about once a week. They’ll come in here just to run their mouths hoping I’ll say something back. I learned a long time ago that showing anger of any kind puts a huge smile on Karen and her friends’ faces.

“She is so nasty. I really can’t imagine what Mr. and Mrs. Crawly were thinking, hiring her to work here. She probably blows every new customer that comes through in the back alley.” They talk loud enough for me to hear but I continue working hoping they don’t stay long.

“Didn’t your husband show an interest in her back in high school senior year?” Catherine asks Karen.

“Boys are allowed a few indiscretions while still young. Besides, it was well known even then that she was an easy lay. We can’t expect young men to just ignore that all the time.” Karen says with a confidence that even I don’t believe.

“Of course not. If she was giving it away, she deserved what she got.” Megan throws into the conversation not wanting to be left out.

After they finish with their food, they don’t stay too much longer before leaving. I’m just thankful not too many other patrons came in while they were here although quite a few have been known to come to my defense when hearing the remarks coming from those three.

“Those three still need a good switch to their backside.” Martha says as we watch them walk to their cars.

“Well if anyone decides to do the switching make sure they record it. We can post it online and become famous.” We both laugh at the thought.

“Oh I was supposed to tell you that Sara Richardson was needing someone who could clean her office building on the weekends. She thought you would be perfect for the job.” Martha says.

“That’ll be great! I need the extra right now to cover Max’s fees with the all-star team.” I smile at the thought.

“Hey mom!” Max shouts, walking through the door.

“Hey kiddo. How was practice?” I ask, grabbing a quick hug. Luckily he’s not yet reached the age where all public displays of my affection are off limits.

“It was awesome! The new coach that used to play for the Mets was there. He’s so awesome! He took time to show me the right placement for my feet at the plate. I’m supposed to practice standing that way every day until next practice.” Smiling at his enthusiasm, I guide him to a booth to sit in until my shift is over.

I go to the back to place an order for him so that he can eat. When it’s ready, I pick it up and head back to his booth. When I do, I notice a man I’ve never seen before sitting in the booth with him. Panic rises in my chest as I hurry over.

“Hey mom, this is Coach Brian.” Max says when I walk up, placing his food in front of him.

Coach Brian stands up holding his hand out to me. Taking it, I shake his hand.

“Nice to meet you Mrs...”

“Ross. It's just Miss though.” I smile in greeting. “It’s nice to meet you as well. Max here has been super excited about you coming to coach the all-star team.”

“Yeah, working with kids is great.” He smiles back, finally letting go of my hand.

“Can I get you something to eat?” I grab my order pad waiting.

After giving me his order, I get back to my job as more people come in for the dinner hour.



I sit with Max while eating dinner and easily talk baseball with him. He’s not just interested in the things I have done, he truly wants to learn the ins and outs of baseball.

I watch Becky from the corner of my eye while she is busy working. The woman is absolutely gorgeous with the kindest eyes. She’s probably the first one to not automatically flirt with me like the other moms did during practice.

I’ve actually debated making it mandatory that all parents must leave while practice is in session. If I have to put up with those women again, I’m likely to quit. Their snide remarks about Max during practice had me gritting my teeth so much that I’ve probably broken several.

“So, do you like school?” I ask him between bites.

“Only the classes that I don’t have with Luke.” He grumbles with his mouth full.

“You talking about the same Luke from the team?” I ask, my interest spiking.

He just shakes his head in answer this time instead of trying to talk around his food.
