Page 61 of Let's Play

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Finishing up in the bathroom, I head out the door but the door hits something. I hear what sounds like liquid hitting the floor as someone gasps. Shit.

Looking around the door, I see Karen standing there with wet clothes as a cup rolls around the floor. Double shit.

“I’m so sorry Karen.” I say.

“Sorry? You’re sorry? You did this shit on purpose!” She accuses me.

“You are mistaken. There’s no way I knew you were that close to the door.” I explain with exasperation.

“Bullshit! You did it on purpose because you hate me! You’ve hated me ever since highschool because James wouldn’t have you!” Her screeching has started to draw attention our way as a crowd starts to form.

“Why would I hate you? Especially over James? He’s not worthy of my damn attention! Never was!” I yell back, starting to have enough of her shit.

“He’s an amazing man. Loves me and our son. The most honourable man in this whole town.” She seems to swell with pride at that statement.

“Honourable? Ha! He’s the most untrustworthy man in this town! You think he tells the truth every time his mouth opens. Do you have any idea where he spends Friday nights? I bet you have no clue!” I exclaim.

“What are you talking about? My husband would never lie to me!” She answers back but I see doubt in her eyes.

“You really think so?” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest. “Have you never really looked at my son? I mean really looked at him and then looked at your husband?” I huff, rolling my eyes.

“James can’t be Max’s father.” She crosses her arms and shakes her head. If I could take a picture of how wide her eyes are, I’d cherish that shit forever.

“Why do you say that Karen? Because he told everyone that I was sleeping with truck drivers coming into town? You are ridiculous. I’m done with this conversation.” I step around her, walking back through the crowd in search of Brian and his parents.

I probably shouldn’t have done that but I have had enough. I’m tired of being treated like shit all because of a rumor her own husband started as if being the child of my own mother wasn’t bad enough growing up.

As I come through the crowd, I notice Max standing off to the side looking back at me and my heart sinks knowing he might have heard some of that.

Walking over to him, I kneel down to look into his eyes.

“Max, were you listening just now?” I ask, heart hammering.

“Yeah. But it’s okay mom.” He smiles, pulling me in for a hug.

“It’s okay?” I ask with wonder.

“Yeah, it’s fine. I already knew anyway.” He pulls back, shrugging his shoulders.

“How did you already know? I made sure to never tell anyone.” I ask with concern.

“Luke let it slip one day at school. He was trying to be mean telling me that our dad would never love me as much as he loved him. I told him that man could never be my dad. He’s too mean.” He states with a firm shake of his head.

I can’t contain the laugh that escapes at the thought of him telling Luke just that.

“Let’s go find Brian and his parents.” I smile down at my son so very thankful to have him in my life.



I watch as Becky walks up with Max at her side. Both have huge smiles as they get to the table.

“Everything okay?” I ask, kissing her cheek.
