Page 78 of Let's Play

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The biggest difference between Rosie and me lay in the driveway. She had a car. I didn’t. Well, I did, but getting it meant facing my mother or grand theft auto. Both options required too much energy.

The car stereo blared top eighties hits. I might have selected a different playlist, but it wasn’t terrible. At least she didn’t play country. My ears would have bled all over the seat.

“Could you have parked any further?” I asked after our short drive. The campus was pretty large. I imagined parking would be limited, but hot damn, we would have to hike a mile to get to the first building.

Rosie rolled her eyes and started walking up the hill.

Custodians worked meticulously to clean the old polished floors. Gardeners attended to every bush. Walking around gave me a sense of pride. Before long, I’d be a Georgia State Statesman, just like my father before me.

Seriously, couldn’t they have picked a more gender-neutral mascot?

I would sit in the same lecture halls he had. I’d be eating in the same food court. I would be walking in his historic footsteps.

Old dusty stacks stood tall in the massive library.

Achoo! Rosie sneezed behind me. Even the dust was probably the same, Dad!

Loads of people probably suffered asthma attacks walking through the great hall. A display of all the classics caught my eye. Pride and Prejudice, a collection of Dickinson’s poems, Wuthering Heights. I’d died and gone to heaven.

“Can I help you find something?” A clerk asked someone in the distance. If she had asked me, I never would have known. I picked up Jane Austen’s masterpiece and traced my finger along the thick spine.

“Actually, I’m taking an English literature class. I need one of these three books.” He replied, handing the librarian a sheet of paper.

I ducked behind the closest shelf.

“Qué pasa? What are you doing?” Rosie slapped my arm.

Crouching into a crawling position, I leapt for the end of the row.

“Oh, outstanding.” His voice vibrated through my skin.

Still crouched, I peeked through a few books. My eyes were level with his dick. Well, they would have been if he were standing there naked. Instead, I caught a glimpse of the crotch of his pants. Too bad.

“Who is that?” Rosie asked.

Chase picked up the book I held moments before.

“Long story.” I replied.

Rosie placed her hands on her hips. “You tell me right now, or I’m screaming your name at the top of my lungs. Lo juro por Dios!” She made the little Catholic cross over her heart that she does when she’s feeling “extra.”

“Remember how I told you my name is Meghan Grace.” She knows my entire life story. I just left out the Chase tidbits.

“Judging by the size of those biceps and big blue eyes… You left out the juiciest parts. How dare you?” She faked a gasp.

“Be quiet.” I whispered through clenched teeth. “He’ll hear you.”

I filled-in the gaps from my story. “He and my dad meant everything to me. We’d been friends since we were young and as we grew up, things changed. He became more than a friend.”

She took another look through the opening on the shelf. “He’s hot. Please tell me you tapped that!”

I wish!

“We were way too young for that. We almost kissed. Once.”

Her jaw dropped open, then she sneezed again.

Chase glanced in our direction.

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