Page 37 of Alpha

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“She did exactly what we’d coached her to do.” He read my mind. “She gave him the address in New York City, when he didn’t believe she was in California like we lied about before. We have the New York place under surveillance. Hopefully, he’s heading that way now. She was very brave and said to tell you she knew you’d worry but that she’s fine.”

“Thank God.” I nodded and felt some of the feeling in my body come back. “I’d like to see her, Frank. You know how close—”

“We leave at zero-four-hundred.” Frank stood. I was pleased he’d said that, as nothing was going to stop me from going to be with her after I was the one who put her in danger. “Your mother finally agreed to let us send her somewhere safe. I do think she needs you, though.”

“Yes,” I whispered. “I’ll go pack. It won’t take long.”

I showered, packed, and was ready to go by three-thirty the next morning. Daniel helped me carry my suitcase downstairs, and Sue asked me to step into the living room for a brief chat.

“How are you doing?” Her warm, motherly smile made me feel as though I could talk to her openly.

“I’m okay,” I answered honestly. “A bit rattled, though.” I ran a hand through my hair and adjusted my skirt. “I’m just so angry at it all. I mean, this is my problem, and now my mom is caught in the crosshairs of it.”

“Frank says she handled it very well,” she confirmed with a smile. “Must run in the family.”

“She’s known to be scrappy.” I half chuckled. “I’m surprised she didn’t try to pepper spray him.”

“From the little I know, it sounds like you have a little of that fire in you, too.” I felt the anger rise inside as I remembered the night he’d appeared in my office.

“I knew working with soldiers who suffered from PTSD could be dangerous, but I never expected anything like that. It’s making me second guess if I should work alone in my office again.”

“Sadly, the world is full of unexpected events, especially when you work with people like that. They have such terrible issues. How you handle it when these things happen is what really counts.” She rested her hand on mine. “And I personally think you’re handling it very well.”

“Thanks.” I smiled and squeezed her hand. I was thankful for her kind words.

She seemed to hear something and looked toward the door. “Savi?” she called, and a worn-out looking Savannah came into the room in pajamas, coat, and boots. Her hair was tossed up in a messy bun, and she had her hands wrapped around a mug of coffee. “Everything all right, dear?”

“Yes, it is now.” She gave me a little wave as she tucked herself in the chair across from us. “Olivia’s all settled at Dusk.”

“Dusk? I thought they were going to Washington.”

“That was the plan,” Daniel pulled his glasses off and cleaned the lenses with the bottom of his sweater, “but the kids weren’t having it, so Frank had some of Eagle Eye head down there for added measures.”

“It’s not ideal, but Mike’s family said they’d house them if something came up.”

“Always so many things going on, it’s hard to keep up.”

“I just wished it had been Davie or Quinn who drove her to Dusk.” Savi used her thumb and pressed it between her eyes. “I don’t know the new guy very well.”

“Thank goodness she’s back and settled.” Sue put a hand on her chest in relief. “So, she enjoyed the camp?”

“She had a great time, but I could tell she was ready for home, and the idea of being sent to Dusk wasn’t exactly what she had in mind.”

“Once she sees the others, she’ll be all right.”

“Yes. Brandon met her at the door, and I could tell by what she said she missed him, too. I’m just glad they have each other and aren’t going to be separated.”

Sue nodded. “Especially not those two.”

“Ready?” Frank stepped in as he pulled out his phone.

I jumped up and tugged the handle on my suitcase. “Yeah.”

I hugged Sue and Savannah and followed him out to the car. He took my suitcase and put it in the trunk while I waved at the girls, then he held the car door open for me. I slipped inside and settled in for the long drive to the North Dakota airport. A few times, I second guessed my decision to go without Ty, but Frank was on a call nearly the entire drive, so I couldn’t share my concern with him. He spoke quietly, and a few times switched over to a different language, so I assumed the conversation wasn’t meant for my ears.

The line for security seemed to take forever, and I found myself looking over my shoulder like Ben Oliver might magically appear. Finally, Frank flashed some form of ID when we got near the front. He must have finally clued in, and we got to bypass the security checkpoint while he maintained his life-long phone call.

I checked my boarding pass to see what gate number we needed to go to. Thankfully, it was right near a coffee shop, and I pointed it out to Frank. I let him know I wanted to get one, and he nodded and mouthed a black coffee for him.
