Page 76 of Alpha

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“No.” I somehow pushed through the internal battle and put my hand on her back and gave her a little push to get her to move along.

“Wait,” she stopped me, “what if you kept me here?” I could almost smell her brain frantically trying to work out what was better, here with me or wherever the hell she thought she was going. “What if I promised not to run. I could wear a tracker, or chip me if you want. It wouldn’t be the first time someone said they’d do that to me.”

“I need you to trust me on this, Lexi. What’s about to happen is what’s best for you.”

“Eric, please.” Her chin quivered, but I couldn’t let my guard down. “Please.”

“Come on.” I urged her to move.

Alejandro and Filippo held up their weapons and made it clear our men were well-armed as we approached the SUV. They stayed near Lexi, and I kept a close watch as we walked. Castillo’s men circled us, but I knew he wasn’t with them. Castillo would be back at his place talking up the buyers, and although we were all there for the same reason, to get her safely to the meeting place, I didn’t trust anyone but myself. Once we were inside the tinted-out vehicle, we joined Castillo’s convoy and we all moved through the streets of Rosarito. The police had been paid well tonight and had done their job of clearing the streets of wanna-be gangsters or other Cartel families who might have gotten word of our plans.

We drove slowly, and I could feel Alejandro’s nervous energy as he sat behind the wheel. His head was on a swivel, and he glanced at me several times in the mirror.

“Just keep driving, Ale.” I glanced at Lexi, who hadn’t said a word since we left. I never bothered to blindfold her. She’d already been through most of these streets the other night.

“They’re branching off.” The leather seat flexed under Filippo as he twisted around to look out the back window. “They’re going off the main road.” His voice went high.

“That’s the plan.” I kept my voice calm.

“I didn’t know that.” Alejandro echoed Filippo’s anxiety.

“I’m aware.” I nodded. “Just keep going.”

“I love how you guys are the ones who are nervous.” Lexi snickered from the back seat. “You’re not the one they all want a piece of.”

“That’s the problem,” Filippo grunted. “In this business, you can’t trust anyone but yourself. Everyone else is out to get you.”

“You mean like bringing in other buyers when your boss already has one he works exclusively with?” She chuckled, and I raised a brow at him.

“That was a mistake.” Filippo licked his lips and looked away in what I hoped was shame.

“You only get one strike,” I whispered.

“One strike?” Lexi sighed. “Guess you better watch your step, Filippo.”

I cringed when she used his name. Ale glanced at me in the mirror, and I shook my head at him. It was the first time we’d ever let one of the women know our names. The situation had become what it was, and at this point, I really didn’t care.

“Did you just use my fucking name?” Filippo twisted in his seat, and I was ready to crack him if he tried to touch her.

She let out a dark chuckle. “Here’s a tip. Don’t use your names in front of the ones you kidnap. Jesus, you suck at your job.” Filippo strained to look at me.

“Can she talk to me like that?”

“She just did.” I kept my eyes on the street.

“Fucking amateurs,” Lexi muttered, and I hid my smirk with my hand. I had to give it to her, she was feisty at times in spite of the fact I knew she was terrified by the way her hands fisted and unfisted on her lap and by the way her shoe tapped on the car floor. If she wanted to piss off Filippo to get herself through this, then so be it. Besides, Filippo could handle it.

A short time later, we were buzzed through the protective gates of Castillo’s driveway, and we drove down the lane to his house. Lexi went very still, and I fought the urge to comfort her. Fuck me, I was slipping.

The place positively blazed with lights and fancy cars. As Alejandro parked, the tension was thick in the SUV. We weren’t on our own turf here.

“Take a breath.” I touched Lexi on the forearm. “You’re just here because Castillo wants to introduce you to some people.”

“Well, if that’s all,” she dripped with sarcasm, “let’s hurry inside to show me off.” I waited for the others to exit then leaned toward her.

“I give you my word, you won’t be hurt here.” She rolled her eyes at me as I helped her out.

“Promises from the man who’s kept me in a cage like an animal.” She shook her head. “Yeah, that’s comforting.”
