Page 82 of Alpha

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“Logan!” Mike pointed to his phone, and both Cole and Keith rushed to his side.

“Who’s Morgan?”

“One of Trigger’s men.”

“Okay, anything I should know?” I appreciated how candid she was with me.

“Trigger’s terrifying, but he’s a good person to know. He was dealt a hard life and does what he must to get by.” She rubbed her neck. “His wife Tess is great, but don’t be fooled. She’s as tough as it comes and wouldn’t think twice to gut someone if you threatened anyone around her.” She grinned. “Don’t ask too many questions, but answer all his.”

“Anything else?” I dripped with sarcasm.

“Yeah,” she turned to look at me dead on, “before you leave for Mexico, make sure you tell Ivy exactly how you feel.” The way she held my gaze told me she wasn’t kidding around. “You’re not used to having someone, and she’s never dated a soldier before. Your mind will be focused on your mission, while she’ll be solely focused on your return. Leave her heart as full as you can.”

“Copy that.” I looked around for Ivy again, but she’d disappeared.

“Get the SUVs ready,” Cole suddenly called. “We leave in ten.”

“Mike!” Frank held up his phone, and they both whispered in the corner.

“Holy shit.” Mike covered his mouth.

“Here we go.” Savannah raced after Cole.

I found Ivy with Sloane in the entertainment room.

“Hey, Sloane.” I gave a quick wave. “Ivy, we’re heading out to meet up with someone. Keep your phone on you, okay? I wanna be able to get hold of you if we get the word to ship out.”

“I will.” She pulled it out of her pocket to show me she had it close.

“Good.” I pulled her in and devoured her mouth for a moment. My hands slid up her bare back then over the curve of her bottom. Finally, I ripped away. “I’ll be in touch.”

I ran back upstairs, proud of myself for not leaving without speaking to her. We weren’t exactly leaving for a mission yet, but the fact I said goodbye and sealed it with a kiss made me feel better. I had someone else to think about now, and I didn’t want to screw it up.

Mike took lead on our way over. From the front seat, he gave the same advice as Savannah had.

“Don’t ask questions, but answer all of his. Trigger trusts very few, so don’t give him a reason to not like you. He’s a good guy, but his life’s been shit, and it’s left him, let’s just say, a bit edgy.” Mike paused to think. “If he offers you a drink, take it. It’s disrespectful not to.”

“And you work with this guy?” Moore rubbed his head.

“Trigger and I go way back.” Mike turned to look at us. “He’s got a reputation for violence, but I trust him with my life. If that isn’t enough for you, remember that Cole is in the SUV ahead of us. That should tell you something.”

“Understood.” I nodded to let Mike know we heard and respected what he was saying. “Anything else?”

“Yeah, treat his wife like you’d treat Trigger. Tess is Trigger’s one weak spot. You look at her the wrong way, and Trigger will flip.”

“Copy that.” Moore shot me a glance, and I grinned. This should be interesting.

A short time later, I found myself in some dungeon-looking bar in the middle of nowhere across from some nasty looking bikers.

Trigger, Brick, Rail, and Morgan stared at me and Moore like we were something to eat. We’d been up against the Taliban before, but these guys were a whole lot of something else. We weren’t totally intimidated, but a bit of healthy respect was needed. At least these guys were friends of Mike’s and apparently had a history with Blackstone. I’d already filled Moore in on what I’d been told about the Devil’s Reach from Mark.

One look at these guys and I knew trust wasn’t something that came easy. That, I understood, because I was the same way. You could feel it as we walked into the bar. The overall vibe and smell were a mix of smoke, weed, and violence. One wrong look, and shit could go sideways.

“I’m sorry for what’s happenin’,” Trigger moved his gaze off me and over to Keith, “and that we’re only hearin’ about it now.”

“You’re here now, and I appreciate it.” Keith’s tone was unemotional.

“We been havin’ some trouble at Min’s club, and Grim’s been off the grid.” Mike nodded at Trigger to show he followed his drift. “As soon as Cooper got word to Morgan’s cousin that you needed to reach me, we headed north.” I wondered if Trigger knew the safehouse was in Montana. I doubted it, but what were the odds Trigger got here this fast? “Mike filled us in, and we already contacted Elio.”

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