Page 100 of Grim

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“It’s part of the job.” Damn, I’d forgotten the ball was tomorrow.

“Well, I was going to ask if you wanted to go with me.”

I would rather poke my own eyes out. “I have a date, actually.”

“Don’t tell me it’s Grim Gates.”

I shot him a look but remembered who I was sitting next to, the snitch of the hotel, my own daddy’s favorite, the man who followed me into a restroom and demanded I tell him who I was having dinner with. Of course, Calli had walked in right at that moment. I was too exhausted to think.

“She’s going with my son, Randell,” Shore said as he pulled into the hotel’s driveway.

“I didn’t know you had a son,” Jayden muttered.

“You never asked.” He winked at me in the mirror, and I gave a slight nod as a thank you.

“Well, if your plans change, I’ll be dateless.”

“Why don’t you go with Chantelle, the cute little one who started at the tables last week?” Anyone but me.

“She’s going with Dale.”

Of course, she was.

“You know your father would like to see us together.”

“My father would like me to do a lot of things, but this time I’m going with Randy.”

“Randell,” Shore corrected me with a grin. He only had daughters, which Jayden would know if he actually took the time for people.

“Randell,” I repeated, “but thanks for the offer.” I hopped out and raced inside before he could say another word. I showered and changed into a silk tank and panties as quickly as I could manage and was finally able to flop into bed with the comforter up to my chin when my phone lit up by my bedside.

“No.” I groaned but tilted the phone so I could read it.

Grim: Answer me.

Kenna: It’s over now. Going to bed. I’ll touch base later.


The gym was fairly empty in the early morning, just a few of the high roller dealers blowing off steam after their night shift. Though, one nod from me and they scurried away. I guessed they were worried they might piss me off and lose their job. They weren’t entirely wrong; I liked the silence, anyway.

After five miles on the treadmill, I tossed my soaked t-shirt on the floor and ran my hands through my hair to slick it back. I needed more, so I moved to the weight section and dropped to the floor and began some push-ups. I lost count after eighty-two. I was in the zone, and as my body burned, my mind drifted back to hours earlier.

“Can I come in?” Jenelle batted her eyes at me from the elevator.

I held back a curse and waved her in. It wasn’t a good time, but I knew her, and she wouldn’t give up that easily.

“Drink?” I walked to the bar and began to make her favorite gin and tonic with a twist of lemon.

“Yes, thank you.” She dropped her purse on the table and made herself comfortable on the couch. “I heard you had company last night.”

My brows pinched as I wondered who had fed her that tidbit. My eyes went to the window where I’d pressed Kenna up against it, an image I savored for a few beats. I enjoyed the idea that she was at my mercy, pliable and willing to go wherever I led.

“I did.” I forced myself back to the conversation.

“Was it work related or something else?”

“You want to ask that question again?” I warned and held up her drink. “Just because we’ve slept together doesn’t mean you can pry into my life.”
