Page 58 of Grim

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“Imagine how poor Kenna feels.” She gave me a look. “She’s got such a good head on her shoulders and has proved she can bring a lot of business to the hotel. So, if dealing with Cameron’s little outbursts is what it takes to keep Kenna around, we can deal.”

“I won’t.”

“I know you will.” She laughed. “You’ll do it for your father because we all love him.”

“Yeah.” I gave her a smile. I’d do it as long as I could, but I was back for good, and things were going to change. I knew there’d be a lot of people who wouldn’t like it. Kenna’s face flickered.

I got up and offered my arm as Simon retreated to Cameron’s office. Mom and I walked together back into the conference room. I sat down, crossed my ankle over my knee, and took a moment before I looked at them.

“If Sonny and Victor are staying, then you need to find a different host, because Kenna isn’t going to be theirs.” I glanced at Mom, and she gave me a nod of approval. I wasn’t a total monster; I didn’t trust Sonny not to pull something else on her.

“The hell she’s not.” Cameron laughed like I was crazy. “She signed them, and that’s the agreement. That makes her their host.”

“Have you been in this meeting at all, old man?” I licked my dry mouth. “Do you have any awareness of your daughter?”

“This is a business meeting, not a family dinner.” Cameron pressed a finger into the table.

“And if it was up to me, you wouldn’t be at either one.” A bullet wedged in his skull would look mighty fine right now.

“Maybe it should be up to Kenna?” Mom’s smooth voice took command of the room, and I backed down. He was like fighting with a five-year-old. “What are your thoughts, Kenna?”

“Yes,” I gritted my teeth as I dared her to defy me on this too, “what are your thoughts?”

“Truth,” she folded her arms at my tone, “I’m not interested in wasting my energy on them. Sonny has other intentions for me. He’s made that clear. I’d be fine stepping aside for someone else to play dodge the creep.” I felt a sense of relief that she didn’t fight me on this, because I would have won this battle whether she liked it or not. “I like the clients I have right now. I love the chase to land the clients. It’s a challenge. But if there’s an option to give the Contis to someone else, I’m all for that.”

“And what if Sonny disagrees?” Cameron countered, and my blood pressure went up.

“Then Sonny can fuck right off. It’s not his decision,” I grunted.

“Then we cross the bridge when we need to.” Kenna sighed. It must be exhausting to have a father like hers.

“Good,” Dad hit the table with his fist like a judge, “that’s settled. Sonny and Victor Conti will stay on, but with a new host. Now, it’s time for lunch.”

“Actually,” Kenna glanced at my mother, who gave her a nod to go on, “I have one more thing to discuss.”

Here we go. I rolled my eyes.

“Mr. Tame?” Zara, Cameron’s secretary, popped her head in the door. “Forgive the interruption, but Mr. Griple is here to see you.”

“Shit.” He glared at her, and she blushed and disappeared. “Go on without me.” He pushed to his feet and marched out like the cocky son of bitch he was.

“I’m going to kill him,” I growled at Dad and pointed at the door Cameron had just closed behind him.

“Kenna?” Mom prompted her to go on.

“I believe I’ve proven myself to all of you here at Indulge. I think I’ve shown I’ve got what it takes to land a magnitude of clients.”

“Agreed.” Dad nodded.

“I think I’ve earned the right to have more of a say on who we bring on, and if I represent them or not.”

“A say would mean you’d need to be able to compromise.” I stepped in. “I sure haven’t seen much of that from you so far. Is it something you think you can strive for?”

“Given it’s handled the right way, yes.” She glared at me.

“I think that’s fair.” Mom looked at Dad. “She has a knack when it comes to reading people. She’s proved that. She should have a say, especially if someone makes her feel uncomfortable.”
