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“I knew you’d say yes.” He pulled her in close, letting one hand rest at the small of her back. “Just like I know you wore that dress for me.”

“I didn’t even know you’d be here,” she answered honestly. She’d had a clue since he’d proven himself to be a pretty supportive brother, except when it came to actually supporting her dreams.

His laugh came low and deep, traveling all the way down to her soul. “We both know that’s a lie.” They began to move as one to the music and she let herself relax and enjoy this moment with Kasim. “How have you been, Charla?”

Good question. “Can’t complain. Business is good.”

“And life?”

Pulling back slightly she looked up at him and gave a soft smile. “Life is good. You?”

He shrugged. “It would be better if you were still around.”

“Kasim,” she began but her words were cut off when he spun her around and brushed a kiss against her temple.

“I know Charla and I hate it. I miss you.”

“I miss you too Kasim, but that doesn’t change everything else.”

“Doesn’t it?” His look darkened and she could see the angry pulse in his forehead throbbing.

“No,” she answered on a sigh. How could she make him see without revealing too much of herself? “Would you ever consider getting serious about me? Or believe that your money was irrelevant to me? Consider marrying me?” He’d been ready to say yes before she’d mentioned marriage, but the frown on his face told her the truth. “Just as I thought,” she said sadly, kissing his cheek before walking away.

Not only could he not see them together but the idea of marrying her had made him physically recoil. Forget about it, she warned herself and headed straight for the bar. “Whiskey neat, please.” Tossing it back and ordering another, Charla turned to face the crowd of movers and shakers draped in jewels and their finest garments. They moved about so easily, so certain of themselves and their place in this world.

No use feelin’ sorry for yourself girl. You are what you are and you ain’t, what you ain’t, she used her granny’s words to strengthen her resolve to stay away from Kasim. He’d been more than clear about his feelings, and while sex with him was fantastic, that was all it was. Too bad for him—and her—that sex for the sake of having sex was no longer on her agenda.

Charla cast a longing glance over her shoulder, smiling at the sight of Rabiya being led around the dance floor by a smiling Jax, and left the ballroom.

* * *

Something was up with Charla and Kasim couldn’t figure it out. Normally women couldn’t wait to pull him into their web with promises of wild sex, and if that didn’t work tears and histrionics. Never in his thirty three years had a woman outright ignored him like Charla. He’d given her days to get over whatever had upset her, figuring she’d call when she wanted another night out or a fancy dinner.

She hadn’t.

In fact she hadn’t called him at all and had only answered his texts with one word answers. He’d given her space to get over what was bothering her but when she’d shown up at the ballroom a few days ago she hadn’t made a beeline for him and hadn’t seemed particularly happy to see him. So he’d given her a few more days.

He was done waiting.

“Going somewhere?” Jax stood towering over his desk, casting a shadow over him.

“When did you get here?”

Jax shrugged. “Only about two minutes ago, but obviously something is bothering you.”

Kasim sighed and told him everything. About him and Charla, their dinner and her radio silence. “Is she playing hard to get?”

Jax dropped down into a chair and propped his feet on the edge of the desk. “She doesn’t strike me as the type. Seems like you were a shitty date and she backed off because of it.”

Kasim frowned. “I took her to Maurice’s!”

“And did she coo over every little detail? Point out well known faces and insert herself into other conversations?” He was silent as he thought it over and shook his head. “Then I think you’ve misread the situation and the woman.”

Kasim thought about that on his way to her spa. Had he misread Charla as he had from the beginning? Treating her like his other women when she was so different as to almost be another species? Maybe, but he had other assets that meant women always overlooked those details. They didn’t care if he showed up hours late for a date due to business, as long as he showed up and apologized with a nice piece of jewelry. Maybe I should stop first?

He decided against it, figuring she might take it the wrong way if Jax was right. So he pulled open the doors, enjoying the clean and serene atmosphere she created for her customers, and stopped at her assistant’s office. “Go on back,” she told him and he did, stopping outside the slightly ajar door at the sound of voices.

“This is all I have right now but I promise to have more for you soon.” Rabiya. A frown twisted his face at the sound of his sister’s voice. What was she giving Charla and why?
