Page 24 of Savage Heart

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“No, I’m good.” She moves around the bed and sits down.

“Do you mind if I stay for a while?”

“No.” Lore picks up Tobias’ hand and rubs circles on it with her thumb as she stares at his face.

Sitting and doing nothing is not something I can do. Lore seems content to stare at Tobias and say nothing.

After a while, I clear my voice and lean forward, elbows on my knees. “Where are you living now, Lore?”

She looks at me out of the corner of her eye. Her expression shrouded in a mix of amusement and curiosity. “Willowbrook Falls.”

I raise an eyebrow, my curiosity piqued. “Never figured you for a small town.”

Lore shifts in her chair, her gaze now locked onto mine, but she never releases her grip on Tobias’ hand. “It’s bigger than Tourmaline and Pearl.”

“I’ve ridden through it,” I reply, recalling the quaint streets and the picturesque landscapes I’d seen during my brief visits.

She leans forward, her eyes glinting with a hint of mischief. “I own a bar.”

I can’t help but smile, genuinely surprised. “Really?”

Lore frowns, perhaps detecting a hint of skepticism in my tone. “Yes. Why is that so hard to believe?”

Waving a hand dismissively, I say, “No, you misunderstand me. You’ve always had a good head for business, but I guess I never thought you’d own a bar.” Lore tilts her head to the side, studying me intently. “The life is hard.”

“In what way?” she asks.

Chuckling, I shake my head. “You’ve always been good with people. But a bar is filled with people and alcohol that can either turn them into devils or angels.”

Lore’s eyes light up as she talks about her business. “A bar is easy. They come in for drinks, and I serve them with a side of great music, good employees, and tasty bar food.” Her passion for her work is evident in her animated expression. “It’s open seven days a week, but thanks to good staff, I only work five.”

Curious, I ask, “Is it hard to get good workers?”

Lore rolls her eyes, a hint of exasperation in her voice. “Oh, yes. They either skim from the register, give out free drinks to all their friends, or just don’t show up for their shift.”

Even though she’s complaining, there’s a genuine smile on her face, revealing her love for the challenges and rewards of her chosen career.

“How long have you owned it?”

“Five years. It’s called Rock Anthem Ale House.”

“Cool name,” I remark.

“Yeah.” Her voice softens, and she looks back to Tobias. “He helped me pick the name.”

Standing, I clear my voice. “Well, I’ve taken up enough of your time. Call me when he wakes up.”

Lore stands, letting go of Tobias’ hand. “Thanks for coming and checking in.”

Not sure what to say, I nod at Lore, offering an awkward two-fingered wave before I head for the elevators, my mind still racing with the conversation. Standing in front of the elevators, I practically punch the button to take me to the lobby, the annoyance at myself for not being able to speak to Lore rising to the surface.

Zeke’s voice breaks through my thoughts. “Went that well, did it?”

I sigh, not in the mood for small talk. “Yeah,” I mutter, pushing the elevator button again as if the sheer force of my frustration could make it arrive faster.

Zeke presses on, concern etched in his voice. “How’s Tobias?”

“Stable, but he’s not awake,” I reply, my tone tinged with exhaustion and anxiety.
