Page 31 of Savage Heart

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With his unwavering support, I rise from my seat, feeling a sense of determination to face whatever challenges lie ahead with Brooks and Tobias.

Chapter Eight


Low voices and classic rock filter through the closed door of the office in the garage, creating a soothing backdrop to my task at hand. I take a sip of bitter coffee and wonder how the hell Addy, who normally does the paperwork, drinks this shit.

Spread out before me is a stack of documents, receipts, and maps. It’s time to get organized, and I lean in closer, my rugged hands picking up a pen. The hum of the overhead fan competes with the chatter from the garage floor just outside, but I’m determined to focus on the task at hand. Well, I’m trying to focus.

If I’m being truthful with myself, I’m avoiding going home. The house is currently filled with musicians and their partners, Dave, Kat’s manager, and his long-time boyfriend, Luther.

A gentle knock sounds on the closed office door, pulling me back to the present. “Come in.”

Kat enters with a wide, infectious smile on her pretty face. She adores having a house full of people, especially when it involves her bandmates.

“Darlin’, what are you doing here? Where are the twins?”

Her eyes are bright with excitement, reflecting the joy of the gathering at home. “Grandpa Dave and Luther are looking after them. I came into town to collect pies from Howie and to spend quality alone time with my husband.” She winks at me. “If he’s not too busy?”

“Are we talking naked quality time?” I tease.

Kat laughs. “Not enough time for that.” She moves around the desk, and I push away from it so she can sit in my lap. “Are you okay?”

Wrapping my arms around her, I say, “I’m good.”

“Then why are you here doing paperwork when I know you hate it?” She studies my face with a concerned expression.

“It has to be done.”

“Addy will do it,” Kat presses.

“Sal should arrive today.” Kat nods. “And I’d rather he came here to talk than at the house. There’s more privacy. I love your band, but they are nosy fuckers.”

Kat giggles. “Well, I get it, but they are family, and Sal was the one who drove me into town. He’s over in the clubhouse.”

“Did he bring Emily with him?”

“Nope, just him and me.”

“I’ll get Judge to drive you home.”

Kat frowns. “I’m perfectly capable.”

“Yes, you are. But I’d feel better if you had Judge with you, just in case there are any stalkers in town.”

Kat scowls at me but then nods. “Okay. He’ll want to come out to the house anyway. Jasmin has arrived.”

Scooping her up, I stand and put her butt on the desk, cup her face and kiss her. Our lips meet in a gentle, tender kiss. Kat moans, so I deepen it, our mouths moving together with a fiery connection.

My hands move to her waist, pulling her close. Kat breaks the kiss, and I pepper her face and neck with playful kisses, making her giggle.


Grinning down at her, I waggle my eyebrows. “You seemed to enjoy yourself. I could keep going?”

With both her hands on my chest, she pushes me away. “You know I love you, but I’ve got pies to buy and a house full of guests.”

“Woman, you’re killing me.”
