Page 50 of Savage Heart

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She blushes again and walks back to her chair. “Yes.” Mel shakes her head. “I got sick of eating packet noodles and always counting my pennies.”

Holding up my hands, I say, “No judgment here. You can always go back to it if you feel like you’ve sold out.”


Arching an eyebrow at Tobias, I say, “What?”

“There’s nothing wrong with wanting to earn a little cash and getting ahead.”

Frowning, I sit in the chair on the opposite side of his bed. “I never said there was.”

“Tobias, it’s okay,” Mel chimes in, offering a reassuring smile. “It wasn’t an easy decision, but I still do the occasional job for the church for free.”

Looking at her hand, I ask, “You never married?”

Mel shifts in her seat and glances at Tobias. She hesitates for a moment, her eyes betraying a hint of vulnerability. “No,” she finally says, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “I came close, but...” her words trail off.

“Mom, you’re doing your thing.”

“My thing?”

“The thing you do when you’re being too personal and making people uncomfortable,” Tobias chides, a hint of exasperation evident in his tone.

“Pfft! Don’t be ridiculous. Mel is a good-looking woman. I’m just surprised no one else has figured that out.”

Tobias glares at me. “You’ve never been married.”

Behind me someone clears their throat, and I turn around to see Brooks and a woman, presumably Elizabeth, clutching his hand. “Are we interrupting?”

“Not at all.” I stand. “I was just about to go downstairs and get a coffee.”

“I’ll join you,” Mel says as she pats Tobias’ hand. “Can I get you anything?”

“You’re coming back?”

Mel smiles down at him. “Of course.”

He clears his throat. “Good. And no, I’m fine.”

“Tobias, aren’t you going to introduce us?” Brooks asks.

“Sorry.” He shakes his head. “Dad, Elizabeth, this is Mel Carter. Mom, this is Elizabeth, Dad’s wife.”

Mel shakes hands with the pair while I study Brooks’ wife. She’s at least fifteen years younger than him and bears more than a striking resemblance to me.

Holding up my hand, I give her a wave. “Nice to meet you. Can I get you anything from the cafeteria?”

“It’s nice to finally meet you too, and no, thank you,” Elizabeth replies.

She might look like me, but Elizabeth has none of my spunk. With a curt nod, I head for the elevators with Mel following close behind.

“You’ve never met her before?”

“No, and now I know why.” I cast a glance at Mel. “She’s a younger version of me, don’t you think?”

“He certainly has a type.” The doors to the elevator open. “You look good, Lore. Whatever you’re doing, keep doing it.”

“Thanks, Mel. I meant what I said… you look good too.”
