Page 51 of Savage Heart

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“Lots of hard work and not eating copious amounts of chocolate.”

Chuckling, I say, “Sometimes we need chocolate.”

Mel grins. “I didn’t say I’d given it up. I just don’t eat it with every meal anymore.”

The doors open, and we walk into the cafeteria. We both order a coffee, and I sit at a table.

“You’re not going back up?”

“I’m giving Brooks and Elizabeth some alone time with Tobias.” Mel frowns at me. “Brooks isn’t good when I’m in the room. He seems determined to start a fight, and I don’t want Tobias seeing or feeling it. He needs to concentrate on himself.”

Mel sits. “The doctors seem very happy with his progress.”

“My boy is a fighter.”

She sips her coffee and says, “He gets that from you.”

Staring at the steam rising from my coffee, I say, “I just want him to have the best chance at a full recovery.” Leaning back in my seat, I ask, “Has he said anything about losing his eye?”

“Apart from pirate jokes and doing a very bad impersonation of Johnny Depp? Not really. I think he’s more upset about his hair.”

Laughter bubbles out of me. “That’s good. That makes me happy. He’s never been particularly vain, but he’s an attractive man. I was worried it might upset him.”

“No.” Mel smiles down at the table. “He’s remarkable.” Her eyes meet mine. “Always was. I’ve never met a man like him. Tobias doesn’t dwell on the bad, only the good. He would have made a good psychiatrist or counselor.”

“Being cooped up in an office all day was never going to satisfy him. He loves working at the clubs.”

Her smile falters, and she takes another sip of her coffee. “Yeah.”

“You know, you ‘re the only girl he ever introduced me to?”

Mel spits out her coffee. “What?”

“It’s true. I’ve met some of the girls he works with. They all adore him, but you’re the only girl he ever took to my bar.”

Mel stands. “I’m going back up.”

“Tell Brooks to come find me when he’s done. I’ll be here.”

Mel gives me a small smile and hurries away. I’m guessing she didn’t know Tobias hasn’t introduced me to any of his girlfriends. He’s had plenty over the years, but they were never worthy of meeting me.

A gasp escapes the woman sitting at a table near me, prompting me to follow her wide-eyed stare. In the cafeteria queue, Dane Reynolds looms at six foot six, a towering figure with muscles that seem to stretch for days. His black T-shirt clings so snugly to his frame that I wonder how he manages to breathe. Our eyes lock, and he acknowledges me with a casual two-fingered wave. I return his gesture, pull out my cell phone, and pretend I’m engrossed in something on the screen. In truth, I only use the damn thing as a phone. I don’t play games and loathe social media.

Dane strides over. “Can I join you?” Before I answer, he settles into the seat across from me.

“Seems like you have.”

“Come on, Lore. We were friendly once.”

“That was a long time ago.”

“Seems like you’ve fallen back into old habits. How’s Dirt?” he inquires, casually unscrewing the cap of his water bottle and taking a sip.

“Did he tell you?” I ask, suddenly annoyed.

“No. Tourmaline is a small town, and people gossip.” He takes another sip from his bottle. “How’s Tobias?” His sudden change of topic throws me for a moment.

“Good. Mel’s here,” I blurt out.
