Page 53 of Savage Heart

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I glance away, contemplating the possibility. “But even if he did, what about you, Dane? Would you let him leave?”

He meets my eyes with a solemn expression. “I don’t want anyone in my MC who doesn’t want to be there, Lore.”

I nod, acknowledging the complexity of his struggle. Despite my reservations, there’s a glimmer of hope that maybe people can change, and perhaps the man sitting across from me is genuinely striving for a different path.

“Would you ever leave?”

Dane barks out a laugh. “No. I’m a lifer. Tourmaline is my home. I couldn’t leave the MC in someone else’s hands and watch them revert to the old ways. You and I know the lure of easy money for some is better than working hard.” He taps the table. “I can tell you don’t believe most of what I’ve said about the MC changing. It’s the same for some of the members. It’s what they’ve always done, so why change?” He sighs. “I’m not saying we aren’t still on the fringes of society, but some of us can blend in now and are almost respectable.”

“Getting married changed you,” I state.

There’s a quiet strength in the set of his jaw and the steadiness of his gaze. “No. I was on this path before Kat came into my life. Being one step ahead of the law and keeping her and my MC safe from past and present dangers, whether that’s rival MC or the law, is all I think about.”


Dane chuckles. “And money. Yep, that’s a priority too..”

Brooks appears in front of me. “Tobias is asking for you.”

Dane and I both rise to our feet. “Brooks, this is Dane. Dane, this is Tobias’ father, Brooks.”

Brooks looks up at Dane and holds out his hand. “Are you a friend of my son’s?”

“More like family.”

They shake, and Brooks tilts his head to the side, scrutinizing Dane. “You’re part of that MC, aren’t you?”

“Not just a part.” Dane nods at me. “See you up there.”

Brooks watches him go, his face turning red. “How can you let him visit Tobias?”

I laugh. “Oh, honey, you don’t let Dane Reynolds do anything. He just does.”

“You know it’s all your fault? If you hadn’t fallen in with this MC, Tobias would never have gone looking for them.” He throws both hands in the air. “The way you used to talk about your life here, it’s a wonder Tobias never joined them.”

Staggering back a step at his words, I can feel my anger rising.

“You were trash then, and you’re trash now.”

“Fuck you,” I growl out at him in a hiss. “You were a good father to our son, and I thank you for that. But this isn’t on me. Tobias is a grown-assed man.”


“No, you shut your fucking mouth.” I poke him in the chest. “You come here all high and mighty with your wife, who looks like a carbon copy of me, only younger.” I poke him again. “Well, I’ve had enough. I’ve tried to keep the peace all these years, but Brooks, I never loved you. You were a mistake that resulted in the best damn thing I ever did in my life. But you and I… we were never going to work. Oil and water don’t mix, and you and I are the same. I’m done being nice to you!” My voice rises. “I’m done letting you talk down to me. I’m done with your continued attempts to win me back. And I’m done letting Tobias think you’re a fucking saint!”

A sharp gasp echoes behind me, and I turn to find Elizabeth standing there, holding two cups of coffee. My lips tighten into a firm line as I catch the expression on Brooks’ face when he notices her. His eyes flicker between Elizabeth and me.

“Go be with your wife,” I spit out, my words carrying a harshness I’ve never used to talk to him. I walk out of the cafeteria and toward the elevators.

“I’m not done talking to you!”

The elevator doors open, and I step inside.

Brooks is charging toward me, frustration etched on his face.

In response, I defiantly hold up my middle finger and offer a sardonic smile as the doors close. The hum of the elevator takes me back to Tobias, but it does nothing to calm my anger. For years, I’ve put up with Brooks. He was a good father to Tobias, but I’m done pretending he was ever good to me.

The doors open, and I see Dane in the waiting room talking to one of his men. I give them a curt nod, and I continue toward Tobias’ room. Mel is back in her chair, and they are talking quietly. Whatever she sees on my face causes her to rise.
