Page 59 of Savage Heart

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“Remarkably well, considering his injuries,” Dr. Grills says, eyes scanning over the clipboard in her hands. “He’s been working hard with our physical therapists, and his determination is truly inspiring.”

“I’m on my way to see him.”

“Of course, he’s expecting you.” Dr. Grills gestures toward Tobias’ room before excusing herself.

Pushing open the door, I find Tobias in the middle of a physical therapy session. Sweat beads on his forehead as he strains to lift a modestly weighted dumbbell, his face etched with fierce determination.

“Hey, Mom,” he says through gritted teeth, his voice shaking from the effort.

“Hey, sweetheart. You’re doing great.”

“Thanks,” Tobias huffs, dropping the weights and wiping his brow.

“What did Dr. Grills have to say?”

“She told me every injury is different and follows its own timeline, but because I’m doing so well, I might be able to go home sooner rather than later.”

The idea of him rushing to get home bothers me as he lives by himself.

“Tobias, don’t rush it. Give yourself time to heal.”

“I hate hospitals,” he admits. “And they wake you up all night and ask you your name and date of birth. It’s annoying.” He reaches out, and I put my hand in his. “You have a business you need to get back to, and Cosmo must be missing you.”

Tilting my head from side to side, I say, “Yeah, especially after his visit to the vet.”

“What happened?”

“Dean is looking after him, and he left the pantry open. Cosmo helped himself to sauce packet mixes.” Tobias gives me a confused look. “You know, the ones you use to make gravy or a bearnaise sauce.”

“I thought you did everything from scratch?” he teases.

“Yeah, right.” Tentatively, I touch his head. “How are we feeling about losing your... hair?”

Tobias reaches up and touches the bandage over his head. “Lucky. It’ll grow back unlike other things.”

“Is it strange?”

“My depth perception is for shit at the moment.” He lets go of my hand and rises. “Doc said it should improve over time. She also said I’ve only actually lost twenty percent of my vision, and over time, I’ll compensate for that by turning my head without even realizing it.”

“So not so bad, after all?”

Tobias puts his hands on his hips. “I’d prefer to have both my eyes, but yeah, it’s better than being dead.” Immediately, I move in and put my arms around his waist. Tobias hugs me close. “Hey, Mom, I’m okay.”

“I nearly lost you.”

He pulls back slightly, looking into my eyes with a reassuring smile. “But you didn’t. I’m here, and I’m going to be okay. I promise.” After a pause, he glances around the room. “So, tell me more about Cosmo’s culinary adventure with the sauce mixes. I could use a good laugh.”

“Dean said his cheeks swelled up like a chipmunk.”

Tobias laughs, the sound filling the room. “That cat is something else. I’m looking forward to going home and then visiting you both.”

His mention of going home tugs at my heart. “Are you sure you’re ready for that, Tobias? I don’t want you pushing yourself too hard.”

He nods, a determined glint in his eyes. “I’ll take it easy, Mom, I promise. But being in my own space, surrounded by familiar things, that’s a part of my healing too.”

Tobias will always be my son, and even though he’s a man now, I still worry, and the thought of him at home alone makes me a bit anxious. “Just promise me you’ll listen to your body and not overdo it.”

“I promise,” he says sincerely.
